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Skeletal Muscle Hypoplasia Represents the Only Significant Lesion in Peripheral Organs of Ruminants Infected with Schmallenberg Virus during Gestation

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Genetic reassortment between Sathuperi and Shamonda viruses of the genus Orthobunyavirus in nature: implications for their genetic relationship to Schmallenberg virus

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Congenital hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia in water buffalo in southern Brazil

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Genetic characterization of Aino and Peaton virus field isolates reveals a genetic reassortment between these viruses in nature

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Encephalomyelitis of Cattle Caused by Akabane Virus in Southern Japan in 2006

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Monitoring of Five Bovine Arboviral Diseases Transmitted by Arthropod Vectors in Korea

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Seroepidemiological Studies of Aino Virus Infection in Korean Cattle

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Cleavage of Akabane virus S RNA in the brain of infected ruminants

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Cerebellar hypoplasia in a clinically suspected but unconfirmed case of BSE in a cow

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Molecular epidemiological analyses of the teratogenic Aino virus based on the sequences of a small RNA segment

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Highly effective inhibition of Akabane virus replication by siRNA genes

Aviad Levin, Larisa Kutznetova, Ronen Kahana, Marisol Rubinstein-Guini and Yehuda Stram
Virus Research 120 (1-2) 121 (2006)

Complete Diphallia, Imperforate Ani (Type 2 Atresia Ani), and an Accessory Scrotum in a 5-Day-Old Calf

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Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 18 (4) 408 (2006)