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Vet. Res.
Volume 35, Number 5, September-October 2004
Page(s) 531 - 538
How to cite this article Vet. Res. (2004) 531-538
Vet. Res. 35 (2004) 531-538
DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2004029

Arthrogryposis, hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome in neonatal calves resulting from intrauterine infection with Aino virus

Tomoyuki Tsudaa, Kazuo Yoshidab, Seiichi Ohashib, Tohru Yanasea, Masuo Sueyoshic, Syunichi Kamimurad, Kazuhiro Misumid, Katsumi Hamanad, Hiroshi Sakamotod and Makoto Yamakawaa

a  Clinical Virology Section, Kyushu Research Station, National Institute of Animal Health, 2702 Chuzan, Kagoshima 891-0105, Japan
b  Exotic Disease Research Division, National Institute of Animal Health, 6-20-1 Jyosuihon-cho, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-0022, Japan
c  Department of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyazaki University, 1-1 Gakuen Kibana-dai Nishi, Miyazaki 889-2192, Japan
d  Department of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University, 1-21-24 Kohrimoto, Kagoshima 890-0065, Japan

(Received 4 December 2003; accepted 2 March 2004)

Abstract - To determine the teratogenic potential of Aino virus (AINOV) in cattle, pregnant cows and fetal cattle were infected with a fresh isolate of AINOV. Five pregnant cows were inoculated intravenously with the virus at 122 to 162 days of gestation and allowed to give birth. All of the cows developed neutralizing antibodies to the virus, indicating that the cows had been infected with the virus; however, no clinical abnormalities were seen in their six newborn calves, and no specific antibodies to the virus were detected in the precolostral serum of calves. Five fetuses with fetal ages ranging from 132 to 156 days were inoculated in utero with the virus. One weak newborn and four stillborn calves were delivered at gestation days 256 to 263, i.e., less than the standard gestation term; they had congenital abnormalities including arthrogryposis, hydranencephaly and cerebellar hypoplasia. Antibodies specific to AINOV were detected in their precolostral serum. These results demonstrate that AINOV is a potential etiological agent of congenital malformation of cattle.

Key words: Aino virus / cattle / congenital malformation / experimental infection

Corresponding author: Tomoyuki Tsuda

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