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Characterization of allelochemicals from Pistia stratiotes extracts and their effects on the growth and physiology of Microcystis aeruginosa

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Managing the Invasive Cyanobacterium Lyngbya wollei in a Southeastern USA Reservoir: Evaluation of a Multi-year Treatment Program

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A systematic literature review of forecasting and predictive models for cyanobacteria blooms in freshwater lakes

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Precursor-Directed Biosynthesis and Fluorescence Labeling of Clickable Microcystins

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Planktonic Community of a Large Eutrophic Reservoir during a Period of Anomalously High Water Temperature

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Étude des cas d’exposition aux cyanobactéries rapportés aux Centres antipoison entre le 01/01/2006 et le 31/12/2018

Chloé Greillet, Magali Labadie, Jacques Manel and Luc De Haro
Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique 32 (1) 70 (2020)

Advances in forecasting harmful algal blooms using machine learning models: A case study with Planktothrix rubescens in Lake Geneva

Jonathan Derot, Hiroshi Yajima and Stéphan Jacquet
Harmful Algae 99 101906 (2020)

A review of the socioecological causes and consequences of cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Victoria

Mark Olokotum, Veronica Mitroi, Marc Troussellier, et al.
Harmful Algae 96 101829 (2020)

Global scanning of anatoxins in aquatic systems: environment and health hazards, and research needs

Lea M. Lovin and Bryan W. Brooks
Marine and Freshwater Research 71 (5) 689 (2020)

A Review and Perspective of eDNA Application to Eutrophication and HAB Control in Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems

Qi Liu, Yun Zhang, Han Wu, et al.
Microorganisms 8 (3) 417 (2020)

Microcystin-RR: Occurrence, content in water and food and toxicological studies. A review

Leticia Díez-Quijada, María Puerto, Daniel Gutiérrez-Praena, et al.
Environmental Research 168 467 (2019)

Decomposition of β-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) during chlorination and consequent disinfection byproducts formation

Yu Cao, Shaoyang Hu, Tingting Gong, Qiming Xian and Bin Xu
Water Research 159 365 (2019)

Application of waste tyre-based powdered activated carbon for the adsorptive removal of cylindrospermopsin toxins from environmental matrices: Optimization using response surface methodology and desirability function

Phodiso P. Mashile, Mogolodi K. Dimpe and Philiswa N. Nomngongo
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 54 (7) 679 (2019)

The accumulation dynamics, elimination and risk assessment of paralytic shellfish toxins in fish from a water supply reservoir

Sabrina Loise de Morais Calado, Gustavo Souza Santos, Juliana Wojciechowski, Valéria Freitas de Magalhães and Helena Cristina Silva de Assis
Science of The Total Environment 651 3222 (2019)

Linking phytoplankton pigment composition and optical properties: A framework for developing remote-sensing metrics for monitoring cyanobacteria

Gabriel Hmimina, Florence D. Hulot, Jean François Humbert, et al.
Water Research 148 504 (2019)

Microalgae in two freshwater lakes and an estuary as a result of groundwater contamination from households

G. C. Bate, G. F. Matcher, S. Venkatachalam, I. Meiklejohn and R. A. Dorrington
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 74 (2) 115 (2019)

Quantification of microcystins in natural waters by HPLC-UV after a pre-concentration step: validation of the analytical performances and study of the interferences

Hélène Thuret-Benoist, Virginie Pallier and Geneviève Feuillade-Cathalifaud
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 72 103223 (2019)

Anabaena/Dolichospermum as the source of lethal microcystin levels responsible for a large cattle toxicosis event

Theo W. Dreher, Lindsay P. Collart, Ryan S. Mueller, et al.
Toxicon: X 1 100003 (2019)

Degradation kinetics and pathways of β-cyclocitral and β-ionone during UV photolysis and UV/chlorination reactions

Taeyeon Kim, Tae-Kyoung Kim and Kyung-Duk Zoh
Journal of Environmental Management 239 8 (2019)

Characterization of phytoplankton by pigment analysis and the detection of toxic cyanobacteria in reservoirs with aquaculture production

L Schlüter, GS David, NOG Jørgensen, et al.
Aquaculture Environment Interactions 10 35 (2018)

Effect of light and temperature on new cyanobacteria producers for geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol

Haider A. Alghanmi, Fo’ad M. Alkam and Mysoon M. AL-Taee
Journal of Applied Phycology 30 (1) 319 (2018)

pH dependent octanol–water partitioning coefficients of microcystin congeners

Neil Chernoff, Mark Strynar, Donna Hill, Johnsie R. Lang and James McCord
Journal of Water and Health 16 (3) 340 (2018)

Seasonal Gene Expression and the Ecophysiological Implications of Toxic Microcystis aeruginosa Blooms in Lake Taihu

Xiangming Tang, Lauren E. Krausfeldt, Keqiang Shao, et al.
Environmental Science & Technology 52 (19) 11049 (2018)

Influence of a trout farm on antioxidant defense in larvae ofEphemera danica(Insecta: Ephemeroptera)

Milenka L.J. Božanić, Dajana D. Todorović, Miroslav Ž. Živić, et al.
Knowledge & Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (419) 47 (2018)

Night fish avoidance of Microcystis bloom revealed by simultaneous hydroacoustic measurements of both organisms

Małgorzata Godlewska, Helge Balk, Zbigniew Kaczkowski, et al.
Fisheries Research 207 74 (2018)

Comparison of Partitioning and Efficacy Between Copper Algaecide Formulations: Refining the Critical Burden Concept

West M. Bishop, Robert J. Richardson and Ben E. Willis
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 229 (9) (2018)

Structural Characterization and Absolute Quantification of Microcystin Peptides Using Collision-Induced and Ultraviolet Photo-Dissociation Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Troy J. Attard, Melissa D. Carter, Mengxuan Fang, Rudolph C. Johnson and Gavin E. Reid
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 29 (9) 1812 (2018)

Draft genome sequences of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii strains CS-508 and MVCC14, isolated from freshwater bloom events in Australia and Uruguay

Juan J Fuentes-Valdés, Katia Soto-Liebe, Danilo Pérez-Pantoja, et al.
Standards in Genomic Sciences 13 (1) (2018)

Dynamics of toxic genotypes of Microcystis aeruginosa complex (MAC) through a wide freshwater to marine environmental gradient

Gabriela Martínez de la Escalera, Carla Kruk, Angel M. Segura, et al.
Harmful Algae 62 73 (2017)

Estimating future cyanobacterial occurrence and importance in lakes: a case study with Planktothrix rubescens in Lake Geneva

Nicole Gallina, Martin Beniston and Stéphan Jacquet
Aquatic Sciences 79 (2) 249 (2017)

Isolation, Purification and Identification of Blue-green Alga Hapalosiphon aureus and Evaluation of its Histopathological Effects on Fresh Water Snail Lymnaea auricularia

Emad Yousif Awa
Journal of Applied Sciences 17 (2) 61 (2017)

Forestry affects the abundance of Phormidium-dominated biofilms and the functioning of a New Zealand river ecosystem

Ibon Aristi, Joanne E. Clapcott, Vicenç Acuña, et al.
Marine and Freshwater Research 68 (9) 1741 (2017)

Biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles using three marine plant species: anti-algal efficiencies against “Oscillatoria simplicissima”

Hala Y. El-Kassas and Mary G. Ghobrial
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 (8) 7837 (2017)

Easy-Preparable Butyrylcholinesterase/Microgel Construct for Facilitated Organophosphate Biosensing

Larisa V. Sigolaeva, Snezhana Yu. Gladyr, Olga Mergel, et al.
Analytical Chemistry 89 (11) 6091 (2017)

Magnetic porous β-cyclodextrin polymer for magnetic solid-phase extraction of microcystins from environmental water samples

Wenmin Zhang, Mingxia Lin, Meili Wang, et al.
Journal of Chromatography A 1503 1 (2017)

Copper-Based Aquatic Algaecide Adsorption and Accumulation Kinetics: Influence of Exposure Concentration and Duration for Controlling the Cyanobacterium Lyngbya wollei

West M. Bishop, Clayton L. Lynch, Ben E. Willis and W. Gregory Cope
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99 (3) 365 (2017)

Diatom-based reconstruction of trophic status changes recorded in varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie (northeastern Poland), AD 1888-2010

Małgorzata Witak, Ivan Hernández-Almeida, Martin Grosjean and Wojciech Tylmann
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 46 (1) 1 (2017)

Occurrence, toxins and possibilities of control of bloom-forming cyanobacteria of European freshwaters: a review

Klara Jarni, Tjaša Griessler Bulc and Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič
Acta Biologica Slovenica 60 (1) 3 (2017)

Comparison of Water Resource Management Programs: An Algae Action Threshold Level Approach

West M. Bishop and Ben E. Willis
Open Journal of Applied Sciences 07 (02) 31 (2017)

Neurotoxins in a water supply reservoir: An alert to environmental and human health

Sabrina Loise de Morais Calado, Juliana Wojciechowski, Gustavo Souza Santos, et al.
Toxicon 126 12 (2017)

Using H2O2 treatments for the degradation of cyanobacteria and microcystins in a shallow hypertrophic reservoir

Theodoti Papadimitriou, Konstantinos Kormas, Dionysios D. Dionysiou and Chrysi Laspidou
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (21) 21523 (2016)

Distribution and Habitat Specificity of Potentially-Toxic Microcystis across Climate, Land, and Water Use Gradients

Sophi Marmen, Dikla Aharonovich, Michal Grossowicz, et al.
Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016)

Rapid identification of osmolytes in tropical microalgae and cyanobacteria by 1H HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy

Claudia Zea Obando, Isabelle Linossier, Nelly Kervarec, et al.
Talanta 153 372 (2016)

Molecular tools to detect anatoxin-a genes in aquatic ecosystems: Toward a new nested PCR-based method

Benjamin Legrand, Jerome Lesobre, Jonathan Colombet, Delphine Latour and Marion Sabart
Harmful Algae 58 16 (2016)

Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis

Arnaud Catherine, Cécile Bernard, Lisa Spoof and Milena Bruno
Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis 107 (2016)