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Selenium in Bodily Homeostasis: Hypothalamus, Hormones, and Highways of Communication
Pamela Toh, Jessica L. Nicholson, Alyssa M. Vetter, Marla J. Berry and Daniel J. Torres International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(23) 15445 (2022)
Revisiting the Effects of Different Dietary Sources of Selenium on the Health and Performance of Dairy Animals: a Review
Effect of Selenium Supplementation on Blood Status and Milk, Urine, and Fecal Excretion in Pregnant and Lactating Camel
Rabiha Seboussi, Bernard Faye, Mustafa Askar, Khalil Hassan and Ghaleb Alhadrami Biological Trace Element Research 128(1) 45 (2009)