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Evaluation of the application of Slovenia to be recognised as having a negligible risk of classical scrapie

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EFSA Journal 22 (10) (2024)

Evaluation of the application of the Czech Republic to be recognised as having a negligible risk of classical scrapie

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Estimating the impact on food and edible materials of changing scrapie control measures: The scrapie control model

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Low-volume goat milk transmission of classical scrapie to lambs and goat kids

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Genetic, histochemical and biochemical studies on goat TSE cases from Cyprus

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Influence of Breed and Genotype on the Onset and Distribution of Infectivity and Disease-associated Prion Protein in Sheep Following Oral Infection with the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Agent

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The placenta shed from goats with classical scrapie is infectious to goat kids and lambs

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Role of the Goat K 222 -PrP C Polymorphic Variant in Prion Infection Resistance

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Lack of relationship between Visna/maedi infection and scrapie resistance genetic markers

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Identical Pathogenesis and Neuropathological Phenotype of Scrapie in Valine, Arginine, Glutamine/Valine, Arginine, Glutamine Sheep Infected Experimentally by the Oral and Conjunctival Routes

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Influence of Polymorphisms in the Prion Protein Gene on the Pathogenesis and Neuropathological Phenotype of Sheep Scrapie after Oral Infection

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Pathogenesis of scrapie in ARQ/ARQ sheep after subcutaneous infection: Effect of lymphadenectomy and immune cell subset changes in relation to prion protein accumulation

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Protein Aggregation and Fibrillogenesis in Cerebral and Systemic Amyloid Disease

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Infectious titres of sheep scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy agents cannot be accurately predicted from quantitative laboratory test results

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Minimal Involvement of the Circumventricular Organs in the Pathogenesis of Spontaneously Arising and Experimentally Induced Classical Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

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Analysis of genetic variability at codon 42 within caprine prion protein gene in relation to production traits in Chinese domestic breeds

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Differential immunoreactivity of goat derived scrapie following in vitro misfolding versus mouse bioassay

Sally A. Madsen-Bouterse, Dongyue Zhuang, Katherine I. O’Rourke and David A. Schneider
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A novel 28-bp insertion–deletion polymorphism within goat PRNP gene and its association with production traits in Chinese native breeds

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Scientific and technical assistance on the provisional results of the study on genetic resistance to Classical scrapie in goats in Cyprus

EFSA Journal 10 (11) 2972 (2012)

Caprine prion gene polymorphisms are associated with decreased incidence of classical scrapie in goat herds in the United Kingdom

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Crucial Role for Prion Protein Membrane Anchoring in the Neuroinvasion and Neural Spread of Prion Infection

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Neuropathological changes correlate temporally but not spatially with selected neuromodulatory responses in natural scrapie

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An assessment of the efficiency of PrPsc detection in rectal mucosa and third-eyelid biopsies from animals infected with scrapie

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Neuroinvasion in Prion Diseases: The Roles of Ascending Neural Infection and Blood Dissemination

Sílvia Sisó, Lorenzo González and Martin Jeffrey
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