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Table I.

Overview of the experimental set-up.

Exp. no. FECV strain Virus doses (genome equivalents/μL) Dilutions No. of cats Age (weeks) Sex Observ. period (days)
A1 UCD 5 × 108 Undiluted 2 11 M 35
A2 UCD 5 × 108 Undiluted 2 11 F 70
5 × 107 10−1 2
5 × 106 10−2 2
5 × 105 10−3 2
B1 RM 2 × 1010 Undiluted 4 18 F 71
B2 RM 2 × 1010 Undiluted 2 18 F 70
2 × 108 10−2 2
2 × 107 10−3 2
2 × 106 10−4 2