Open Access

Table III.

Changes in gene expression relative to the jejunum at the steady state (non-infected samples). Fold-change values with the same letters above are not significantly different (p < 0.05). Only genes with statistically significant changes are shown.

Fold-change SD Fold-change SD Fold-change SD
IL-8 1a 0.14 −2.80b 0.37 −1.89ab 0.45
MCP-1 1ab 0.82 −1.15a 0.12 2.69b 0.03
MIP-1α 1a 0.62 −1.98a 0.98 −2.62b 0.44
IL-1β 1a 0.49 4.89b 0.63 1.26a 0.20
IFN-γ 1a 1.39 −1.57a 0.12 −6.21b 0.34
IL-6 1a 0.40 5.48b 0.27 −1.00a 0.69
IL-12p40 1a 0.25 4.31b 0.44 −2.50c 0.12
IL-4 1a 0.09 −1.86b 0.04 −4.10b 1.05
TLR-2 1a 1.22 1.87a 0.46 9.14b 0.85
TLR-4 1a 0.25 1.56ab 0.63 2.07b 0.12
TLR-7 1a 0.85 3.83b 0.52 5.30b 0.59
TLR-8 1a 0.52 2.34a 0.34 5.63b 1.15
TLR-9 1a 0.10 17.39b 0.07 1.75c 0.11
TLR-10 1a 0.25 11.80b 0.48 1.69a 0.16
NF-κB 1a 1.70 −6.22b 0.60 −2.59ab 1.56
PBD-1 1a 0.03 9.92b 0.24 NA
PBD-2 1a 0.02 −3.65b 0.43 3.50c 0.33

NA, no amplification.