Open Access

Table I.

Significant characteristics of the H. parasuis strains used in this study.

Strain Isolation site Disease status or lesions Serotype Serum susceptibilitya Reference
Nagasakib Systemic Fibrinous polyserositis 5 Resistant [14]
264/99 Systemic Fibrinous polyserositis 10 Resistant [21]
ER-6P Systemic Fibrinous polyserositis 15 Resistant [22]
PC4-6P Systemic Fibrinous polyserositis 12 Resistant [22]
SW114c Unknown Healthy 3 Sensitive [14]
F9 Nose Healthy 6 Sensitive [22]
SC14-1 Nose Healthy 15 Sensitive [21]
MU21-2 Nose Healthy 7 Sensitive [21]
167/03 Lung Unknown 15 Sensitive [21]
2757 Lung Pneumonia and pleuritis 1 Sensitive [21]

From [4], except data for F9 which was produced for this study;


virulent reference strain;


non-virulent reference strain.