Free Access
Vet. Res.
Volume 37, Number 1, January-February 2006
Page 1
Published online 13 December 2005
How to cite this article Vet. Res. (2006) 1-
Vet. Res. 37 (2006) 1
DOI: 10.1051/vetres:2005050


Joëlle Charley-Poulain and Bruno Chomel

To readers and authors of Veterinary Research

For the fifth consecutive year, our Impact Factor (IF) sets us among the top revues in the Veterinary Sciences category (2004 IF: 1.991, 4th/123 journals). As previously announced in our 2003 Editorial, we have limited the scientific profile of our journal. Now, Veterinary Research only publishes manuscripts dealing with animal infections, focusing on bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology and epidemiology. Furthermore, studies regarding companion animals are now favourably considered. Similarly, wildlife infections are accepted if they are of zoonotic interest and/or in relation with domestic animals. Studies on laboratory animals as well as animal models of human infections are particularly welcome. Accordingly, and to better define the scientific profile of our journal, you will see on our cover page and at other places, such as on our website welcome page, the following title: "Veterinary Research, a journal on Animal Infection and Epidemiology". A revised Aims and Scope will be published in 2006 to indicate our wish to receive manuscripts of high quality and novelty with emphasis on molecular pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions either at the cellular or molecular level. We shall also consider very favourably manuscripts dealing with epidemiology of infectious diseases.

We would also like to express our desire that the manuscripts submitted bring new and original information of general interest. As far as epidemiological studies are concerned, reports of geographically limited investigations or which repeat data that have been reported elsewhere will not be considered for publication.

We are eager to receive, review and hopefully publish your research or review manuscripts that correspond to the present recommendations.

The Editors in Chief of Veterinary Research

© INRA, EDP Sciences 2005
First page of the article