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Specificity, Size, and Frequency of Spaces That Characterize the Mechanism of Bulk Transepithelial Transport of Prions in the Nasal Cavities of Hamsters and Mice
Enhanced prion detection in biological samples by magnetic particle extraction and real-time quaking-induced conversion
Nathaniel D. Denkers, Davin M. Henderson, Candace K. Mathiason and Edward A. Hoover Journal of General Virology 97(8) 2023 (2016)
Application of protein misfolding cyclic amplification to detection of prions in anaerobic digestate
Jeongmin Lee, Su Yeon Kim, Kyu Jam Hwang, Young Ran Ju and Hee-Jong Woo Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives 4(1) 57 (2013)
Assessing Prion Infectivity of Human Urine in Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Detection and Control of Prion Diseases in Food Animals
Peter Hedlin, Ryan Taschuk, Andrew Potter, Philip Griebel and Scott Napper ISRN Veterinary Science 2012 1 (2012)
Rapid Transepithelial Transport of Prions following Inhalation
Anthony E. Kincaid, Kathryn F. Hudson, Matthew W. Richey and Jason C. Bartz Journal of Virology 86(23) 12731 (2012)
Spiroplasma spp. biofilm formation is instrumental for their role in the pathogenesis of plant, insect and animal diseases
Initial fate of prions upon peripheral infection: half‐life, distribution, clearance, and tissue uptake
Akihiko Urayama, Rodrigo Morales, Michael L. Niehoff, William A. Banks and Claudio Soto The FASEB Journal 25(8) 2792 (2011)
BSE infectivity in jejunum, ileum and ileocaecal junction of incubating cattle