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Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae evades phagocytic uptake by porcine alveolar macrophages in vitro

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Characterization of a functionally active primary microglial cell culture from the pig retina

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Photoperiodic Effects on Diurnal Rhythms in Cell Numbers of Peripheral Leukocytes in Domestic Pigs

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Role of human and porcine MHC DRB1 alleles in determining the intensity of individual human anti‐pig T‐cell responses

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Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)

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The genomic organization and expression pattern of the low-affinity Fc gamma receptors (FcγR) in the Göttingen minipig

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Transcriptional Profiling of Leucocyte Count Variation from Porcine Peripheral Blood Reveals Differential Gene Expression

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Release of pig leukocytes and reduced human NK cell recruitment during ex vivo perfusion of HLA‐E/human CD46 double‐transgenic pig limbs with human blood

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Xenotransplantation 25 (1) (2018)

Diurnal rhythms in peripheral blood immune cell numbers of domestic pigs

Larissa C. Engert, Ulrike Weiler, Birgit Pfaffinger, Volker Stefanski and Sonja S. Schmucker
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 79 11 (2018)

Effects of a pathogenic ETEC strain and a probiotic Enterococcus faecium strain on the inflammasome response in porcine dendritic cells

Henriette Loss, Jörg R. Aschenbach, Friederike Ebner, Karsten Tedin and Ulrike Lodemann
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 203 78 (2018)

Data characterizing diurnal rhythms in the number of peripheral CD8α− and CD8α+ γδ T cells in domestic pigs

Larissa C. Engert, Ulrike Weiler, Volker Stefanski and Sonja S. Schmucker
Data in Brief 16 843 (2018)

Characterization and expression of DEC205 in the cDC1 and cDC2 subsets of porcine dendritic cells from spleen, tonsil, and submaxillary and mesenteric lymph nodes

Héctor Parra-Sánchez, Lucinda Puebla-Clark, Mónica Reséndiz, Olivia Valenzuela and Jesús Hernández
Molecular Immunology 96 1 (2018)

Gene expression profiles of CD4/CD8 double‐positive T cells in porcine peripheral blood

Mie Okutani, Takamitsu Tsukahara, Yoshihiro Kato, Kikuto Fukuta and Ryo Inoue
Animal Science Journal 89 (7) 979 (2018)

Genetically Induced Tumors in the Oncopig Model Invoke an Antitumor Immune Response Dominated by Cytotoxic CD8β+ T Cells and Differentiated γδ T Cells Alongside a Regulatory Response Mediated by FOXP3+ T Cells and Immunoregulatory Molecules

Nana H. Overgaard, Daniel R. Principe, Kyle M. Schachtschneider, et al.
Frontiers in Immunology 9 (2018)

Precision engineering for PRRSV resistance in pigs: Macrophages from genome edited pigs lacking CD163 SRCR5 domain are fully resistant to both PRRSV genotypes while maintaining biological function

Christine Burkard, Simon G. Lillico, Elizabeth Reid, et al.
PLOS Pathogens 13 (2) e1006206 (2017)

BA71ΔCD2: a New Recombinant Live Attenuated African Swine Fever Virus with Cross-Protective Capabilities

Paula L. Monteagudo, Anna Lacasta, Elisabeth López, et al.
Journal of Virology 91 (21) (2017)

γδ T cells represent a major spontaneously cytotoxic cell population in the chicken

Lisa Fenzl, Thomas W. Göbel and Marie-Luise Neulen
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 73 175 (2017)

Port d’Entrée for Respiratory Infections – Does the Influenza A Virus Pave the Way for Bacteria?

Nikolai Siemens, Sonja Oehmcke-Hecht, Thomas C. Mettenleiter, et al.
Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (2017)

Dynamic changes in bronchoalveolar macrophages and cytokines during infection of pigs with a highly or low pathogenic genotype 1 PRRSV strain

Patricia Renson, Nicolas Rose, Mireille Le Dimna, et al.
Veterinary Research 48 (1) (2017)

Low antigen dose formulated in CAF09 adjuvant Favours a cytotoxic T-cell response following intraperitoneal immunization in Göttingen minipigs

Nana H. Overgaard, Thomas M. Frøsig, Jeanne T. Jakobsen, et al.
Vaccine 35 (42) 5629 (2017)

Immunopathology in Toxicology and Drug Development

Jerold E. Rehg and Jerrold M. Ward
Molecular and Integrative Toxicology, Immunopathology in Toxicology and Drug Development 489 (2017)

Biodegradable nanoparticle delivery of inactivated swine influenza virus vaccine provides heterologous cell-mediated immune response in pigs

Santosh Dhakal, Jagadish Hiremath, Kathryn Bondra, Yashavanth S Lakshmanappa, Duan-Liang Shyu, Kang Ouyang, Kyung-il Kang, Basavaraj Binjawadagi, Jonathan Goodman, Kairat Tabynov, Steven Krakowka, Balaji Narasimhan, Chang Won Lee and Gourapura J. Renukaradhya
Journal of Controlled Release 247 194 (2017)

Detection of Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus RNA and Capsid Protein in Lymphoid Tissues of Convalescent Pigs Does Not Indicate Existence of a Carrier State

C. Stenfeldt, J. M. Pacheco, G. R. Smoliga, et al.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 63 (2) 152 (2016)

The Pig: A Relevant Model for Evaluating the Neutrophil Serine Protease Activities during Acute Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lung Infection

Claire Chevaleyre, Mickaël Riou, Déborah Bréa, et al.
PLOS ONE 11 (12) e0168577 (2016)

Effect of Genetic Diversity in Swine Leukocyte Antigen-DRA Gene on Piglet Diarrhea

Xiaoyu Huang, Qiaoli Yang, Junhu Yuan, Lixia Liu, Wenyang Sun, Yingdi Jiang, Shengguo Zhao, Shengwei Zhang, Wangzhou Huang and Shuangbao Gun
Genes 7 (7) 36 (2016)

Intestinal immune cell quantification and gram type classification of the adherent microbiota in conventionally and artificially reared, normal and low birth weight piglets

Sara Prims, Bart Tambuyzer, Hans Vergauwen, et al.
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Minipigs in Translational Immunosafety Sciences

Tina Rubic-Schneider, Brigitte Christen, Dominique Brees and Michael Kammüller
Toxicologic Pathology 44 (3) 315 (2016)

Effect of O. porcinus Tick Salivary Gland Extract on the African Swine Fever Virus Infection in Domestic Pig

Jennifer Bernard, Evelyne Hutet, Frédéric Paboeuf, et al.
PLOS ONE 11 (2) e0147869 (2016)

Cell type-specific differences in β-glucan recognition and signalling in porcine innate immune cells

Kim Baert, Eva Sonck, Bruno M. Goddeeris, Bert Devriendt and Eric Cox
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 48 (1) 192 (2015)

Sequence variations of the locus‐specific 5′ untranslated regions of SLA class I genes and the development of a comprehensive genomic DNA‐based high‐resolution typing method for SLA‐2

H. Choi, M. T. Le, H. Lee, et al.
Tissue Antigens 86 (4) 255 (2015)

Genome-wide immunity studies in the rabbit: transcriptome variations in peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro stimulation by LPS or PMA-Ionomycin

Vincent Jacquier, Jordi Estellé, Barbara Schmaltz-Panneau, et al.
BMC Genomics 16 (1) (2015)

Comparison between cellular and acellular perfusates for ex vivo lung perfusion in a porcine model

Marius Roman, Olivera Gjorgjimajkoska, Desley Neil, et al.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 34 (7) 978 (2015)

Effects of Crowding on Weight Gain, Immune Performance and the Concentration of Salivary Stress Markers in Growing-Finishing Pigs

Keiichiro FUJITA, Yoshio KIKU, Takashi TAKAHASHI, et al.
Journal of the Japan Veterinary Medical Association 68 (1) 43 (2015)

Catheter-based induction of renal ischemia/reperfusion in swine: description of an experimental model

Pamella A. Malagrino, Gabriela Venturini, Patrícia S. Yogi, et al.
Physiological Reports 2 (9) e12150 (2014)

Avaliação imunofenotípica de subpopulações linfocitárias no sangue do cordão umbilical e periférico de suínos neonatos (Sus scrofa)

Cesaltina C.M. Tchamo, Ivan F.C. Santos, Fernanda M.C. Morato, et al.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 34 (4) 385 (2014)

Comparison of Host Immune Responses to Homologous and Heterologous Type II Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) Challenge in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Pigs

X. Li, A. Galliher-Beckley, L. Pappan, et al.
BioMed Research International 2014 1 (2014)

Dietary Bovine Lactoferrin Alters Mucosal and Systemic Immune Cell Responses in Neonatal Piglets

Sarah S. Comstock, Elizabeth A. Reznikov, Nikhat Contractor and Sharon M. Donovan
The Journal of Nutrition 144 (4) 525 (2014)

Characterization of swine leucocyte antigen alleles in a crossbred pig to be used in xenotransplant studies

L. M. Reyes, R. J. Blosser, R. F. Smith, et al.
Tissue Antigens 84 (5) 484 (2014)

The effect of doxycycline treatment on the postvaccinal immune response in pigs

Małgorzata Pomorska-Mól, Krzysztof Kwit, Iwona Markowska-Daniel and Zygmunt Pejsak
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 278 (1) 31 (2014)

Morphologic and phenotypic characteristics of myocarditis in two pigs infected by foot-and mouth disease virus strains of serotypes O or A

Carolina Stenfeldt, Juan M Pacheco, Manuel V Borca, Luis L Rodriguez and Jonathan Arzt
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 56 (1) (2014)

Local and systemic immune response in pigs during subclinical and clinical swine influenza infection

M. Pomorska-Mól, K. Kwit, I. Markowska-Daniel, C. Kowalski and Z. Pejsak
Research in Veterinary Science 97 (2) 412 (2014)

Group space allowance has little effect on sow health, productivity, or welfare in a free-access stall system1,2

L. A. Mack, D. C. Lay, S. D. Eicher, et al.
Journal of Animal Science 92 (6) 2554 (2014)

Early Events in the Pathogenesis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in Pigs; Identification of Oropharyngeal Tonsils as Sites of Primary and Sustained Viral Replication

Carolina Stenfeldt, Juan M. Pacheco, Luis L. Rodriguez, Jonathan Arzt and Martin Beer
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Exploring the immune response of porcine mesenteric lymph nodes to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium: an analysis of transcriptional changes, morphological alterations and pathogen burden

Rodrigo Prado Martins, Melania Collado-Romero, Cristina Arce, et al.
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36 (2) 149 (2013)

Pathogenesis and prevention of placental and transplacental porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection

Uladzimir U Karniychuk and Hans J Nauwynck
Veterinary Research 44 (1) 95 (2013)

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection is associated with an increased number of Sn-positive and CD8-positive cells in the maternal–fetal interface

U.U. Karniychuk, W. De Spiegelaere and H.J. Nauwynck
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Immunological characterization of peripheral blood leukocytes using vaccine for mycoplasmal pneumonia of swine (MPS) in swine line selected for resistance to MPS

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Inflammatory Response After Injection of Aqueous Gel Into Subarachnoid Space in Piglets

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Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus induces pronounced immune modulatory responses at mucosal tissues in the parental vaccine strain VR2332 infected pigs

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Isolation of porcine monocyte population: a simple and efficient method

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