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Molecular characteristics and pathogenicity analysis of infectious laryngotracheitis virus isolated in China from 2015 to 2019

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Fos Facilitates Gallid Alpha-Herpesvirus 1 Infection by Transcriptional Control of Host Metabolic Genes and Viral Immediate Early Gene

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A Cell Line Adapted Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Strain (BΔORFC) for in ovo and Hatchery Spray Vaccination Alone or in Combination with a Recombinant HVT-LT Vaccine

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Modern technologies for the production of vaccines against avian infectious diseases

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Glycoprotein-C-gene-deleted recombinant infectious laryngotracheitis virus expressing a genotype VII Newcastle disease virus fusion protein protects against virulent infectious laryngotracheitis virus and Newcastle disease virus

Xiao Wei, Yuhao Shao, Zongxi Han, Junfeng Sun and Shengwang Liu
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Analysis of Whole-Genome Sequences of Infectious laryngotracheitis Virus Isolates from Poultry Flocks in Canada: Evidence of Recombination

Ana Perez Contreras, Frank van der Meer, Sylvia Checkley, Tomy Joseph, Robin King, Madhu Ravi, Delores Peters, Kevin Fonseca, Carl A. Gagnon, Chantale Provost, Davor Ojkic and Mohamed Faizal Abdul-Careem
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Molecular characterization and genetic diversity of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus strains circulating in Egypt during the outbreaks of 2018 and 2019

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Development and application of a colloidal gold test strip for the rapid detection of the infectious laryngotracheitis virus

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Genetic stability of a Newcastle disease virus vectored infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine after serial passages in chicken embryos

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Infectious laryngotracheitis: an update on current approaches for prevention of an old disease

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Journal of Animal Science 98 (Supplement_1) S27 (2020)

Methods to prevent PCR amplification of DNA from non-viable virus were not successful for infectious laryngotracheitis virus

Yugal Raj Bindari, Stephen W. Walkden-Brown, Priscilla F. Gerber and Grzegorz Woźniakowski
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Air sampling for detection of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in commercial poultry flocks

Lauren Brown, Dilhani Premaratna, Yonatan Segal and Travis Beddoe
BMC Research Notes 13 (1) (2020)

Seroprevalence of infectious laryngotracheitis disease in backyard chickens in villages of Ada’a district, Oromia, Ethiopia: first report

Yonas Tolosa Roba, Daniel Tadesse, Zerihun Assefa and Asamnew Tesfaye
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Development and application of a combined molecular and tissue culture-based approach to detect latent infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) in chickens

Dulari S. Thilakarathne, Carol A. Hartley, Andrés Diaz-Méndez, Mauricio J.C. Coppo and Joanne M. Devlin
Journal of Virological Methods 277 113797 (2020)

Molecular detection and genetic characterization of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in poultry in Myanmar

Zhiyuan Yang, Shiro Murata, Sotaro Fujisawa, et al.
BMC Veterinary Research 16 (1) (2020)

Infectious laryngotracheitis: Etiology, epidemiology, pathobiology, and advances in diagnosis and control – a comprehensive review

Vasudevan Gowthaman, Sachin Kumar, Monika Koul, et al.
Veterinary Quarterly 40 (1) 140 (2020)

Genotyping of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) Isolates from Western Canadian Provinces of Alberta and British Columbia Based on Partial Open Reading Frame (ORF) a and b

Catalina Barboza-Solis, Ana Perez Contreras, Victor A. Palomino-Tapia, Tomy Joseph, Robin King, Madhu Ravi, Delores Peters, Kevin Fonseca, Carl A. Gagnon, Frank van der Meer and Mohamed Faizal Abdul-Careem
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Glycoprotein D peptide-based diagnostic approach for the detection of avian infectious laryngotracheitis antibodies

Vishnu Kumar, Karamchandra Yadav, Rakesh Kumar, Nitin Chaudhary and Sachin Kumar
Avian Pathology 48 (6) 602 (2019)

Variable impact of the hemagglutinin polybasic cleavage site on virulence and pathogenesis of avian influenza H7N7 virus in chickens, turkeys and ducks

David Scheibner, Reiner Ulrich, Olanrewaju I. Fatola, et al.
Scientific Reports 9 (1) (2019)

Simultaneous Deletion of Virulence Factors and Insertion of Antigens into the Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus Using NHEJ-CRISPR/Cas9 and Cre–Lox System for Construction of a Stable Vaccine Vector

Mustafa Ozan Atasoy, Mohammed A. Rohaim and Muhammad Munir
Vaccines 7 (4) 207 (2019)

Glycoprotein G (gG) production profile during infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) infection

Jorge Bendezu, Sandra Morales Ruiz, Ricardo Montesinos, et al.
PLOS ONE 14 (8) e0219475 (2019)

Analysis of codon usage pattern of infectious laryngotracheitis virus immunogenic glycoproteins and its biological implications

Moushumee Das and Sachin Kumar
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 62 53 (2018)

Molecular characterization of emerging avian reovirus variants isolated from viral arthritis cases in Western Canada 2012–2017 based on partial sigma (σ)C gene

Victor Palomino-Tapia, Darko Mitevski, Tom Inglis, Frank van der Meer and Mohamed Faizal Abdul-Careem
Virology 522 138 (2018)

Development of a sensitive and specific xMAP assay for detection of antibodies against infectious laryngotracheitis and bronchitis viruses

Huanan Wang, Feng Cong, Jianchi Guan, et al.
Virology Journal 15 (1) (2018)

Recombinant infectious laryngotracheitis virus expressing Newcastle disease virus F protein protects chickens against infectious laryngotracheitis virus and Newcastle disease virus challenge

Yuhao Shao, Junfeng Sun, Zongxi Han and Shengwang Liu
Vaccine 36 (52) 7975 (2018)

Full-Genome Sequence of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (Gallid Alphaherpesvirus 1) Strain VFAR-043, Isolated in Peru

Sandra Morales Ruiz, Jorge Bendezu Eguis, Ricardo Montesinos, Luis Tataje-Lavanda and Manolo Fernández-Díaz
Genome Announcements 6 (10) (2018)

Attenuation and Protection Efficacy of a Recombinant Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) Depleted of Open Reading Frame C (ΔORFC) when Deliveredin ovo

Gustavo H. Schneiders, Sylva M. Riblet and Maricarmen García
Avian Diseases 62 (2) 143 (2018)

Current and future vaccines and vaccination strategies against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) respiratory disease of poultry

Maricarmen García
Veterinary Microbiology 206 157 (2017)

Presence of DNA extracellular traps but not MUC5AC and MUC5B mucin in mucoid plugs/casts of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) infected tracheas of chickens

Vishwanatha R.A.P. Reddy, Ivan Trus and Hans J. Nauwynck
Virus Research 227 135 (2017)

Esophagitis and Pharyngitis Associated with Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis in Backyard Chickens: Two Cases

Kathleen Sary, Sonia Chénier, Carl A. Gagnon, et al.
Avian Diseases 61 (2) 255 (2017)

ESCDL-1, a new cell line derived from chicken embryonic stem cells, supports efficient replication of Mardiviruses

Jean-François Vautherot, Christian Jean, Laetitia Fragnet-Trapp, et al.
PLOS ONE 12 (4) e0175259 (2017)

Examining responses of chicken embryonic neural stem cell to infectious laryngotracheitis virus infections

Shahla Shahsavandi, Zahra Jamshidi-Navroud, Masoumeh Firouzi and Mohammad Majid Ebrahimi
Comparative Clinical Pathology 26 (2) 493 (2017)

Attenuation and protection efficacy of ORF C gene-deleted recombinant of infectious laryngotracheitis virus

Maricarmen Garcia, S. J. Spatz, Y. Cheng, et al.
Journal of General Virology 97 (9) 2352 (2016)

Companion Animals as a Source of Viruses for Human Beings and Food Production Animals

L.A. Reperant, I.H. Brown, O.L. Haenen, et al.
Journal of Comparative Pathology 155 (1) S41 (2016)

Interaction of embryonic chicken lung cell with dif-ferent strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in-fections

M. Ghadiri, S. Shahsavandi, G. Moradli and Z. Jamshidi-Navroud
Journal of Biology and Today's World 5 (2) (2016)

Protection Induced in Broiler Chickens following Drinking-Water Delivery of Live Infectious Laryngotracheitis Vaccines against Subsequent Challenge with Recombinant Field Virus

Mesula G. Korsa, Glenn F. Browning, Mauricio J. C. Coppo, et al.
PLOS ONE 10 (9) e0137719 (2015)

Molecular characterization of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in naturally infected egg layer chickens in a multi-age flock in Brazil

Rodrigo de Macedo Couto, Ingred Sales Preis, Juliana Fortes Vilarinho Braga, et al.
Archives of Virology 160 (1) 241 (2015)

Evaluation of the Protection Efficacy of a Serotype 1 Marek's Disease Virus-Vectored Bivalent Vaccine Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis and Marek's Disease

Isabel M. Gimeno, Aneg L. Cortes, Nik M. Faiz, et al.
Avian Diseases 59 (2) 255 (2015)

Multiple Comparison Analysis of Two New Genomic Sequences of ILTV Strains from China with Other Strains from Different Geographic Regions

Yan Zhao, Congcong Kong, Yunfeng Wang and Joanne Devlin
PLOS ONE 10 (7) e0132747 (2015)

Comparison of the pathogenicity of the USDA challenge virus strain to a field strain of infectious laryngotracheitis virus

Danielle M. Koski, Ann S. Predgen, Darrell W. Trampel, et al.
Biologicals 43 (4) 232 (2015)

Transcriptome analysis reveals an activation of major histocompatibility complex 1 and 2 pathways in chicken trachea immunized with infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine

Juan Luo, José A. Carrillo, Kimberly R. Menendez, Nathaniel L. Tablante and Jiuzhou Song
Poultry Science 93 (4) 848 (2014)

Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Recombinants Expressing Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILTV) Glycoproteins gB and gD Protect Chickens against ILTV and NDV Challenges

Wei Zhao, Stephen Spatz, Zhenyu Zhang, et al.
Journal of Virology 88 (15) 8397 (2014)

Replication characteristics of infectious laryngotracheitis virus in the respiratory and conjunctival mucosa

Vishwanatha R. A. P. Reddy, Lennert Steukers, Yewei Li, et al.
Avian Pathology 43 (5) 450 (2014)

Molecular detection and characterization of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (Gallid herpesvirus-1) from clinical samples of commercial poultry flocks in India

Vasudevan Gowthaman, Sambhu Dayal Singh, Kuldeep Dhama, et al.
VirusDisease 25 (3) 345 (2014)

Pathological, immunohistochemical, and molecular findings in commercial laying hens and in backyard chickens naturally infected with the infectious laryngotracheitis virus

IS Preis, ATL Fiúza, CC Silva, et al.
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola 16 (4) 359 (2014)

A recombinant Newcastle disease virus (NDV) expressing infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) surface glycoprotein D protects against highly virulent ILTV and NDV challenges in chickens

Mallikarjuna Kanabagatte Basavarajappa, Sachin Kumar, Sunil K. Khattar, et al.
Vaccine 32 (28) 3555 (2014)

Identification and Functional Analysis of Membrane Proteins gD, gE, gI, and pUS9 of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus

Sophia Pavlova, Jutta Veits, Thomas C. Mettenleiter and Walter Fuchs
Avian Diseases 57 (2s1) 416 (2013)

Detection of Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus by Real-Time PCR in Naturally and Experimentally Infected Chickens

Yan Zhao, Congcong Kong, Xianlan Cui, et al.
PLoS ONE 8 (6) e67598 (2013)

Genomic sequence analysis of the United States infectious laryngotracheitis vaccine strains chicken embryo origin (CEO) and tissue culture origin (TCO)

Maricarmen García, Jeremy Volkening, Sylva Riblet and Stephen Spatz
Virology 440 (1) 64 (2013)

Chicken embryo origin-like strains are responsible for Infectious laryngotracheitis virus outbreaks in Egyptian cross-bred broiler chickens

Awad A. Shehata, Mohammad Y. Halami, Hesham H. Sultan, Alaa G. Abd El-Razik and Thomas W. Vahlenkamp
Virus Genes 46 (3) 423 (2013)

Immune responses to infectious laryngotracheitis virus

Mauricio J.C. Coppo, Carol A. Hartley and Joanne M. Devlin
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 41 (3) 454 (2013)

Comparative full genome analysis of four infectious laryngotracheitis virus (Gallid herpesvirus-1) virulent isolates from the United States

S. J. Spatz, J. D. Volkening, C. L. Keeler, et al.
Virus Genes 44 (2) 273 (2012)

Genome sequence comparison of two United States live attenuated vaccines of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV)

Yohanna Gita Chandra, Jeongyoon Lee and Byung-Whi Kong
Virus Genes 44 (3) 470 (2012)

Genome-wide host responses against infectious laryngotracheitis virus vaccine infection in chicken embryo lung cells

Jeongyoon Lee, Walter G Bottje and Byung-Whi Kong
BMC Genomics 13 (1) (2012)

Identification and functional analysis of the small membrane-associated protein pUL11 of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus

Walter Fuchs, Harald Granzow, Jutta Veits and Thomas C. Mettenleiter
Virus Research 163 (2) 599 (2012)

Immune responses of chickens inoculated with a recombinant fowlpox vaccine coexpressing glycoprotein B of infectious laryngotracheitis virus and chicken IL-18

Hong-Ying Chen, Pei Cui, Bao-An Cui, et al.
FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 63 (2) 289 (2011)

Interleukin-18-mediated enhancement of the protective effect of an infectious laryngotracheitis virus glycoprotein B plasmid DNA vaccine in chickens

Hong-Ying Chen, Hong-Ying Zhang, Xin-Sheng Li, et al.
Journal of Medical Microbiology 60 (1) 110 (2011)

Glycoprotein J of infectious laryngotracheitis virus is required for efficient egress of infectious virions from cells

Alice Mundt, Egbert Mundt, Robert J. Hogan and Maricarmen García
Journal of General Virology 92 (11) 2586 (2011)

In vitro and in vivo characterization of glycoprotein C-deleted infectious laryngotracheitis virus

S. P. Pavlova, J. Veits, U. Blohm, et al.
Journal of General Virology 91 (4) 847 (2010)

Enhancement of the immunogenicity of an infectious laryngotracheitis virus DNA vaccine by a bicistronic plasmid encoding glycoprotein B and interleukin-18

Hong-Ying Chen, Li Zhao, Zhan-Yong Wei, et al.
Antiviral Research 87 (2) 235 (2010)

Transcriptional profiling of host gene expression in chicken embryo lung cells infected with laryngotracheitis virus

Jeong Yoon Lee, Joon Jin Song, Ann Wooming, et al.
BMC Genomics 11 (1) (2010)

Differentiation of field isolates and vaccine strains of infectious laryngotracheitis virus by DNA sequencing

Jorge Luis Chacón and Antonio J. Piantino Ferreira
Vaccine 27 (48) 6731 (2009)

Protection of chickens against H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection by live vaccination with infectious laryngotracheitis virus recombinants expressing H5 hemagglutinin and N1 neuraminidase

Sophia P. Pavlova, Jutta Veits, Günther M. Keil, Thomas C. Mettenleiter and Walter Fuchs
Vaccine 27 (5) 773 (2009)

Identification and expression analysis of infectious laryngotracheitis virus encoding microRNAs

Rakesh Rachamadugu, Jeong Yoon Lee, Ann Wooming and Byung-Whi Kong
Virus Genes 39 (3) 301 (2009)

Live vaccination with an H5-hemagglutinin-expressing infectious laryngotracheitis virus recombinant protects chickens against different highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the H5 subtype

Sophia P. Pavlova, Jutta Veits, Thomas C. Mettenleiter and Walter Fuchs
Vaccine 27 (37) 5085 (2009)

Natural infection of turkeys by infectious laryngotracheitis virus

Cristiana Portz, Nilzane Beltrão, Thales Quedi Furian, et al.
Veterinary Microbiology 131 (1-2) 57 (2008)

Influenza vaccines and vaccination strategies in birds

Thierry van den Berg, Bénédicte Lambrecht, Sylvie Marché, et al.
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 31 (2-3) 121 (2008)