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Genetic and molecular characterization of a novel reassortant H3N2 influenza virus from a sick pig in Eastern China in 2019

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Serological and molecular epidemiological study on swine influenza in Zambia

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The role of toothbrush in the transmission of corona- and influenza viruses — results of an in vitro study

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Shedding and transmission of a live attenuated influenza A virus vaccine in pre-weaned pigs under field conditions

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Variation in the HA antigenicity of A(H1N1)pdm09-related swine influenza viruses

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Quantitative Approach To Assess Influenza A Virus Fitness and Transmission in Guinea Pigs

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Swine influenza viruses and pandemic H1N1‐2009 infection in pigs, Myanmar

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Infection Dynamics of Swine Influenza Virus in a Danish Pig Herd Reveals Recurrent Infections with Different Variants of the H1N2 Swine Influenza A Virus Subtype

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A unique feature of swine ANP32A provides susceptibility to avian influenza virus infection in pigs

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Seroprevalence of influenza A virus in pigs and low risk of acute respiratory illness among pig workers in Kenya

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Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 24 (1) (2019)

Integrated analysis of microRNA-mRNA expression in A549 cells infected with influenza A viruses (IAVs) from different host species

Jie Gao, Lingxi Gao, Rui Li, et al.
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Double-attenuated influenza virus elicits broad protection against challenge viruses with different serotypes in swine

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Semiaquatic mammals might be intermediate hosts to spread avian influenza viruses from avian to human

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Production and application of anti-nucleoprotein IgY antibodies for influenza A virus detection in swine

Miriele Caroline da Silva, Rejane Schaefer, Danielle Gava, et al.
Journal of Immunological Methods 461 100 (2018)

Avian Toll-like receptor allelic diversity far exceeds human polymorphism: an insight from domestic chicken breeds

Zuzana Świderská, Adéla Šmídová, Lucie Buchtová, et al.
Scientific Reports 8 (1) (2018)

Distribution of gene segments of the pandemic A(H1N1) 2009 virus lineage in pig populations

K. Okuya, A. Matsuu, T. Kawabata, et al.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 65 (6) 1502 (2018)

Detection of influenza A virus from agricultural fair environment: Air and surfaces

Sarah E. Lauterbach, Courtney M. Wright, Michele M. Zentkovich, et al.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 153 24 (2018)

Advanced nanotechnologies in avian influenza: Current status and future trends – A review

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Analytica Chimica Acta 983 42 (2017)

Expression Dynamics of Innate Immunity in Influenza Virus-Infected Swine

María Montoya, Emanuela Foni, Alicia Solórzano, et al.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 4 (2017)

Two years of surveillance of influenza a virus infection in a swine herd. Results of virological, serological and pathological studies

Javier Cappuccio, Marina Dibarbora, Inés Lozada, et al.
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 50 110 (2017)

Adaptation of avian influenza virus to a swine host

Vincent Bourret, Jon Lyall, Simon D W Frost, et al.
Virus Evolution 3 (1) (2017)

Epidemiological Risk Factors for Animal Influenza A Viruses Overcoming Species Barriers

Kate A. Harris, Gudrun S. Freidl, Olga S. Munoz, et al.
EcoHealth 14 (2) 342 (2017)

Single nucleoprotein residue determines influenza A virus sensitivity to an intertypic suppression mechanism

Jaraspim Narkpuk, Samaporn Teeravechyan, Pilaipan Puthavathana, Anan Jongkaewwattana and Peera Jaru-Ampornpan
Virology 506 99 (2017)

Development of Disease‐specific, Context‐specific Surveillance Models: Avian Influenza (H5N1)‐Related Risks and Behaviours in African Countries

F. O. Fasina, P. M. K. Njage, A. M. M. Ali, et al.
Zoonoses and Public Health 63 (1) 20 (2016)

Characterization of evolutionary changes in hemagglutinin of influenza H1N1 virus: a computational analysis

Zaira Rehman, Rehan Zafar, Uzma Amir, Umer H. K. Niazi and Ammad Fahim
VirusDisease 27 (1) 34 (2016)

Rapid preparation of mutated influenza hemagglutinins for influenza virus pandemic prevention

Ryosuke Nishioka, Atsushi Satomura, Junki Yamada, Kouichi Kuroda and Mitsuyoshi Ueda
AMB Express 6 (1) (2016)

Avian Influenza Viruses, Inflammation, and CD8+ T Cell Immunity

Zhongfang Wang, Liyen Loh, Lukasz Kedzierski and Katherine Kedzierska
Frontiers in Immunology 7 (2016)

Immunological Competence of Different Domestic Chicken Breeds Against Avian Influenza Infection

Ulrike Blohm, Steffen Weigend, Rudolf Preisinger, Martin Beer and Donata Hoffmann
Avian Diseases 60 (1s) 262 (2016)

Nested RT-PCR method for the detection of European avian-like H1 swine influenza A virus

Yan-di WEI, Xing-yao PEI, Yuan ZHANG, et al.
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 15 (5) 1095 (2016)

Protection of pigs against pandemic swine origin H1N1 influenza A virus infection by hemagglutinin- or neuraminidase-expressing attenuated pseudorabies virus recombinants

Katharina Klingbeil, Elke Lange, Ulrike Blohm, et al.
Virus Research 199 20 (2015)

Efficient Isolation of Swine Influenza Viruses by Age-Targeted Specimen Collection

Makoto Ozawa, Aya Matsuu, Kouki Yonezawa, et al.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53 (4) 1331 (2015)

Role of Substitutions in the Hemagglutinin in the Emergence of the 1968 Pandemic Influenza Virus

Sjouke Van Poucke, Jennifer Doedt, Jan Baumann, et al.
Journal of Virology 89 (23) 12211 (2015)

Serological Survey for Avian Influenza in Turkeys in Three States of Southwest Nigeria

Daniel Oladimeji Oluwayelu, Comfort Oluladun Aiki-Raji, Oladunni Taiwo Adigun, Opeyemi Kazeem Olofintuyi and Adebowale Idris Adebiyi
Influenza Research and Treatment 2015 1 (2015)

Low-pH Stability of Influenza A Virus Sialidase Contributing to Virus Replication and Pandemic

Tadanobu Takahashi and Takashi Suzuki
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 38 (6) 817 (2015)

Real-time detection of H5N1influenza virus through hyperbranched rolling circle amplification

Seyed Vahid Hamidi, Hedayatollah Ghourchian and Gholamreza Tavoosidana
The Analyst 140 (5) 1502 (2015)

Influenza at the animal–human interface: a review of the literature for virological evidence of human infection with swine or avian influenza viruses other than A(H5N1)

G S Freidl, A Meijer, E de Bruin, et al.
Eurosurveillance 19 (18) (2014)

Swine influenza virus strains that induce interferon β in SJPL cells but are insensitive to exogenous recombinant swine interferon β

Krisna N.A. Pangesti, Marvin J. Grubman and Antonio E. Garmendia
Virology Discovery 2 (1) 3 (2014)

Rapid point of care diagnostic tests for viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections—needs, advances, and future prospects

Alimuddin Zumla, Jaffar A Al-Tawfiq, Virve I Enne, et al.
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 14 (11) 1123 (2014)

Risk factors for detecting influenza A virus in growing pigs

Cesar Corzo, Robert Morrison, Ann Fitzpatrick and Marie Culhane
Journal of Swine Health and Production 22 (4) 176 (2014)

No evidence for zoonotic transmission of H3N8 canine influenza virus among US adults occupationally exposed to dogs

Whitney S. Krueger, Gary L. Heil, Kyoung‐Jin Yoon and Gregory C. Gray
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 8 (1) 99 (2014)

Immunization of pigs with an attenuated pseudorabies virus recombinant expressing the haemagglutinin of pandemic swine origin H1N1 influenza A virus

Katharina Klingbeil, Elke Lange, Jens P. Teifke, Thomas C. Mettenleiter and Walter Fuchs
Journal of General Virology 95 (4) 948 (2014)

Protective efficacy of intranasally administered bivalent live influenza vaccine and immunological mechanisms underlying the protection

Hyun-Mi Pyo and Yan Zhou
Vaccine 32 (30) 3835 (2014)

The Tripartite Virions of the Brome Mosaic Virus Have Distinct Physical Properties That Affect the Timing of the Infection Process

Robert Vaughan, Brady Tragesser, Peng Ni, et al.
Journal of Virology 88 (11) 6483 (2014)

Spillover of pH1N1 to swine in Cameroon: an investigation of risk factors

Brenda Larison, Kevin Y Njabo, Anthony Chasar, et al.
BMC Veterinary Research 10 (1) 55 (2014)

Viral determinants of influenza A virus host range

Anna V. Cauldwell, Jason S. Long, Olivier Moncorgé and Wendy S. Barclay
Journal of General Virology 95 (6) 1193 (2014)

Antigenic drift of H1N1 influenza A virus in pigs with and without passive immunity

Andres Diaz, Matthew Allerson, Marie Culhane, Srinand Sreevatsan and Montserrat Torremorell
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 7 (s4) 52 (2013)

Predicting Hotspots for Influenza Virus Reassortment

Trevon L. Fuller, Marius Gilbert, Vincent Martin, et al.
Emerging Infectious Diseases 19 (4) 581 (2013)

Recombinant equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) vaccine protects pigs against challenge with influenza A(H1N1)pmd09

Abdelrahman Said, Elke Lange, Martin Beer, Armando Damiani and Nikolaus Osterrieder
Virus Research 173 (2) 371 (2013)

Different evolutionary trends of swine H1N2 influenza viruses in Italy compared to European viruses

Ana Moreno, Elena Gabanelli, Enrica Sozzi, et al.
Veterinary Research 44 (1) 112 (2013)

Epidemiological survey of swine influenza A virus in the wild boar population of two Italian provinces

Emanuela Foni, Chiara Garbarino, Chiara Chiapponi, et al.
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 7 (s4) 16 (2013)

In Vitro Characterization of Influenza A Virus Attachment in the Upper and Lower Respiratory Tracts of Pigs

S. E. Detmer, M. R. Gramer, S. M. Goyal and M. Torremorell
Veterinary Pathology 50 (4) 648 (2013)

Scientific opinion on the possible risks posed by the influenza A (H3N2v) virus for animal health and its potential spread and implications for animal and human health

EFSA Journal 11 (10) (2013)

Active Surveillance for Influenza A Virus among Swine, Midwestern United States, 2009–2011

Cesar A. Corzo, Marie Culhane, Kevin Juleen, et al.
Emerging Infectious Diseases 19 (6) 954 (2013)

Serologic evidence of human influenza virus infections in swine populations, Cambodia

Sareth Rith, Punnaporn Netrabukkana, San Sorn, et al.
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 7 (3) 271 (2013)

Diagnosis and clinic-pathological findings of influenza virus infection in Brazilian pigs

Daniela S. Rajão, Diego H. Couto, Marcela R. Gasparini, et al.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33 (1) 30 (2013)

Prior infection of pigs with a recent human H3N2 influenza virus confers minimal cross‐protection against a European swine H3N2 virus

Yu Qiu, Karen van der Meulen and Kristien Van Reeth
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 7 (6) 1260 (2013)

Relationship between airborne detection of influenza A virus and the number of infected pigs

Cesar A. Corzo, Anna Romagosa, Scott A. Dee, et al.
The Veterinary Journal 196 (2) 171 (2013)