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Cytokines and chemokines skin gene expression in correlation with immune cells in blood and severity in equine insect bite hypersensitivity

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CD154 Expression Indicates T Cell Activation Following Tetanus Toxoid Vaccination of Horses

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Peripheral blood basophils are the main source for early interleukin-4 secretion upon in vitro stimulation with Culicoides allergen in allergic horses

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Component‐resolved microarray analysis of IgE sensitization profiles to Culicoides recombinant allergens in horses with insect bite hypersensitivity

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Viral infection and allergy – What equine immune responses can tell us about disease severity and protection

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IgE-Binding Monocytes Have an Enhanced Ability to Produce IL-8 (CXCL8) in Animals with Naturally Occurring Allergy

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Investigating the epithelial barrier and immune signatures in the pathogenesis of equine insect bite hypersensitivity

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Culicoides spp. found near Lusitano stud farms in mainland Portugal which may contribute for IBH studies

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Essential oil spray reduces clinical signs of insect bite hypersensitivity in horses

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Cul o 2 specific IgG3/5 antibodies predicted Culicoides hypersensitivity in a group imported Icelandic horses

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Safety Profile of a Virus-Like Particle-Based Vaccine Targeting Self-Protein Interleukin-5 in Horses

Sigridur Jonsdottir, Victoria Fettelschoss, Florian Olomski, Stephanie C. Talker, Jelena Mirkovitch, Tanya Rhiner, Katharina Birkmann, Franziska Thoms, Bettina Wagner, Martin F. Bachmann, Thomas M. Kündig, Eliane Marti and Antonia Fettelschoss-Gabriel
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Genome‐wide association study for insect bite hypersensitivity susceptibility in horses revealed novel associated loci on chromosome 1

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Longitudinal evaluation of immunological responses to allergen‐specific immunotherapy in horses with IgE associated dermatological disease, a pilot study

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A Comparison of Intradermal Skin Testing and Serum Insect Allergen-specific IgE Determination in Horses With Insect Bite Hypersensitivity From 2008 to 2016

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New Strategies for Prevention and Treatment of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Horses

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Comparison of three clinical scoring systems for Culicoides hypersensitivity in a herd of Icelandic horses

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Molecular allergen profiling in horses by microarray reveals Fag e 2 from buckwheat as a frequent sensitizer

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Quantification of equine immunoglobulin A in serum and secretions by a fluorescent bead-based assay

Christiane L. Schnabel, Susanna Babasyan, Heather Freer and Bettina Wagner
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 188 12 (2017)

Phospholipid analysis in sera of horses with allergic dermatitis and in matched healthy controls

Raija Hallamaa and Krishna Batchu
Lipids in Health and Disease 15 (1) (2016)

Allergen-Specific Cytokine Polarization Protects Shetland Ponies against Culicoides obsoletus-Induced Insect Bite Hypersensitivity

Chantal Meulenbroeks, Jaco J. van der Lugt, Nathalie M. A. van der Meide, et al.
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Genome-Wide Association Study of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Swedish-Born Icelandic Horses

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Equine immunoglobulins and organization of immunoglobulin genes

Stefanie Walther, Tamara V. Rusitzka, Ulrike S. Diesterbeck and Claus-Peter Czerny
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 53 (2) 303 (2015)

Evaluation of a diagnostic ELISA for insect bite hypersensitivity in horses using recombinant Obsoletus complex allergens

Nathalie M.A. van der Meide, Huub F.J. Savelkoul, Chantal Meulenbroeks, Bart J. Ducro and Edwin Tijhaar
The Veterinary Journal 200 (1) 31 (2014)

Phospholipids in sera of horses with summer eczema: Lipid analysis of the autoserum preparation used in therapy

R. E. Hallamaa, K. C. Batchu and T. Tallberg
Equine Veterinary Journal 46 (3) 322 (2014)

Characterization of IgE-mediated cutaneous immediate and late-phase reactions in nonallergic horses

Michelle C. Woodward, Frank M. Andrews, Michael T. Kearney, et al.
American Journal of Veterinary Research 75 (7) 633 (2014)

Immune responses to ectoparasites of horses, with a focus on insect bite hypersensitivity

A. D. Wilson
Parasite Immunology 36 (11) 560 (2014)

Production of seven monoclonal equine immunoglobulins isotyped by multiplex analysis

Alison Keggan, Heather Freer, Alicia Rollins and Bettina Wagner
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 153 (3-4) 187 (2013)

Cloning and expression of candidate allergens from Culicoides obsoletus for diagnosis of insect bite hypersensitivity in horses

Nathalie M.A. van der Meide, Nathalie Roders, Marianne M. Sloet van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 153 (3-4) 227 (2013)

Genome‐wide association study of insect bite hypersensitivity in Dutch Shetland pony mares

A. Schurink, B. J. Ducro, J. W. M. Bastiaansen, K. Frankena and J. A. M. van Arendonk
Animal Genetics 44 (1) 44 (2013)

Seasonal differences in cytokine expression in the skin of Shetland ponies suffering from insect bite hypersensitivity

C. Meulenbroeks, N.M.A. van der Meide, D.M.W. Zaiss, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 151 (1-2) 147 (2013)

Evaluation of an IgE ELISA with Culicoides spp. extracts and recombinant salivary antigens for diagnosis of insect bite hypersensitivity in Warmblood horses

L.M. Peeters, S. Janssens, B.M. Goddeeris, et al.
The Veterinary Journal 198 (1) 141 (2013)

Equine atopic skin disease and response to allergen‐specific immunotherapy: a retrospective study at the University of California‐Davis (1991–2008)

Casey T. Stepnik, Catherine A. Outerbridge, Stephen D. White and Philip H. Kass
Veterinary Dermatology 23 (1) 29 (2012)

Comparison of Skin Prick Tests with In Vitro Allergy Tests in the Characterization of Horses with Recurrent Airway Obstruction

Paula Tilley, Jose Paulo Sales Luis and Manuel Branco Ferreira
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 32 (11) 719 (2012)

Culicoides obsoletus extract relevant for diagnostics of insect bite hypersensitivity in horses

Nathalie M.A. van der Meide, Chantal Meulenbroeks, Christine van Altena, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 149 (3-4) 245 (2012)

The same ELA class II risk factors confer equine insect bite hypersensitivity in two distinct populations

Lisa S. Andersson, June E. Swinbune, Jennifer R. S. Meadows, et al.
Immunogenetics 64 (3) 201 (2012)

Skin-infiltrating T cells and cytokine expression in Icelandic horses affected with insect bite hypersensitivity: A possible role for regulatory T cells

Mareike Heimann, Jozef Janda, Olöf G. Sigurdardottir, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 140 (1-2) 63 (2011)

Pharmacokinetics and effects of cetirizine in horses with insect bite hypersensitivity

Lena Olsén, Ulf Bondesson, Hans Broström, et al.
The Veterinary Journal 187 (3) 347 (2011)

Selective cloning, characterization, and production of the Culicoides nubeculosus salivary gland allergen repertoire associated with equine insect bite hypersensitivity

Anna Schaffartzik, Eliane Marti, Sigurbjörg Torsteinsdottir, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 139 (2-4) 200 (2011)

Cloning, production and characterization of antigen 5 like proteins from Simulium vittatum and Culicoides nubeculosus, the first cross-reactive allergen associated with equine insect bite hypersensitivity

A. Schaffartzik, E. Marti, R. Crameri and C. Rhyner
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 137 (1-2) 76 (2010)

Sensitization of skin mast cells with IgE antibodies to Culicoides allergens occurs frequently in clinically healthy horses

Bettina Wagner, William H. Miller, Hollis N. Erb, D. Paul Lunn and Douglas F. Antczak
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 132 (1) 53 (2009)

Normal distribution of immunoglobulin isotypes in adult horses

Maristela M. de Camargo, Juliana S. Kuribayashi, Cíntia R. Bombardieri and Alma Hoge
The Veterinary Journal 182 (2) 359 (2009)

Identification, expression and characterisation of a major salivary allergen (Cul s 1) of the biting midge Culicoides sonorensis relevant for summer eczema in horses

Kathrin F.A. Langner, Donald L. Jarvis, Manfred Nimtz, et al.
International Journal for Parasitology 39 (2) 243 (2009)

Report of the 3rd Havemeyer workshop on allergic diseases of the Horse, Hólar, Iceland, June 2007

E. Marti, V. Gerber, A.D. Wilson, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 126 (3-4) 351 (2008)

Comparison of cellular and humoral immunoassays for the assessment of summer eczema in horses

Kathrin F.A. Langner, Karin E. Darpel, Barbara S. Drolet, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 122 (1-2) 126 (2008)

Equine recurrent airway obstruction and insect bite hypersensitivity: Understanding the diseases and uncovering possible new therapeutic approaches

Fiona M. Cunningham and Bettina Dunkel
The Veterinary Journal 177 (3) 334 (2008)

Allergen-specific IgE in Icelandic horses with insect bite hypersensitivity and healthy controls, assessed by FcɛR1α-based serology

Rebecka Frey, Kerstin Bergvall and Agneta Egenvall
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 126 (1-2) 102 (2008)

A histamine release assay to identify sensitization to Culicoides allergens in horses with skin hypersensitivity

Bettina Wagner, Bronwen A. Childs and Hollis N. Erb
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 126 (3-4) 302 (2008)

Cetirizine in horses: Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics following repeated oral administration

Lena Olsén, Ulf Bondesson, Hans Broström, Hans Tjälve and Carina Ingvast-Larsson
The Veterinary Journal 177 (2) 242 (2008)

Live-attenuated recombinant equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) induces a neutralizing antibody response against West Nile virus (WNV)

Cristina T. Rosas, B. Karsten Tischer, Gillian A. Perkins, et al.
Virus Research 125 (1) 69 (2007)

A comparison of intradermal testing and detection of allergen-specific immunoglobulin E in serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in horses affected with skin hypersensitivity

Erin E. Morgan, William H. Miller and Bettina Wagner
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 120 (3-4) 160 (2007)

Experimental Infection of Neonatal Foals withRhodococcus equiTriggers Adult-Like Gamma Interferon Induction

Stephanie Jacks, Steeve Giguère, P. Cynda Crawford and William L. Castleman
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 14 (6) 669 (2007)