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Antibody repertoire development in fetal and neonatal piglets. XXIV. Hypothesis: The ileal Peyer patches (IPP) are the major source of primary, undiversified IgA antibodies in newborn piglets

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Invited review: Heat stress effects during late gestation on dry cows and their calves

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Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is strongly expressed in the fetal bovine ileal Peyer's patch and spleen and is associated with expansion of the primary antibody repertoire in the absence of exogenous antigens

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Regional and age dependent changes in gene expression of Toll-like receptors and key antimicrobial defence molecules throughout the gastrointestinal tract of dairy calves

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Gross Anatomical Characterization of Jejunal and Ileal Peyer’s Patches in Japanese Black Calves

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Interferon-gamma and B-cell Activating Factor (BAFF) promote bovine B cell activation independent of TLR9 and T-cell signaling

Rachelle Buchanan, Yurij Popowych, Crystal Dagenais, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 145 (1-2) 453 (2012)

Commensal microbiome effects on mucosal immune system development in the ruminant gastrointestinal tract

Ryan Taschuk and Philip J Griebel
Animal Health Research Reviews 13 (1) 129 (2012)

Age-related changes in the distribution and frequency of myeloid and T cell populations in the small intestine of calves

Patrick N. Fries, Yurij I. Popowych, Le Luo Guan and Philip J. Griebel
Cellular Immunology 271 (2) 428 (2011)

Transcriptional profiling of peripheral lymphoid tissue reveals genes and networks linked to SSBP/1 scrapie pathology in sheep

Anton Gossner, Sofia Roupaka, Jim Foster, Nora Hunter and John Hopkins
Veterinary Microbiology 153 (3-4) 218 (2011)

Ileal Peyer’s Patches Are Not Necessary for Systemic B Cell Development and Maintenance and Do Not Contribute Significantly to the Overall B Cell Pool in Swine

Marek Sinkora, Katerina Stepanova, John E. Butler, et al.
The Journal of Immunology 187 (10) 5150 (2011)

B-cell activating factor (BAFF) promotes CpG ODN-induced B cell activation and proliferation

Rachelle M. Buchanan, Yurij Popowych, Natasha Arsic, et al.
Cellular Immunology 271 (1) 16 (2011)

Distribution of immune cells and expression of interleukin receptors in ileal Peyer’s patches of calves

Hidehisa Tamao, Yasuo Inoshima and Naotaka Ishiguro
Cell and Tissue Research 346 (2) 245 (2011)

Differences in Gene Expression Profiles among the Proximal, Middle and Distal Peyer’s Patches in the Mouse Small Intestine

H. Suzuki, R. Ohtsuka and M. Takeda
Research Journal of Immunology 4 (1) 19 (2011)

B‐cell development: one problem, multiple solutions

Noorjahan Banu Alitheen, Susan McClure and Peter McCullagh
Immunology & Cell Biology 88 (4) 445 (2010)

Effect of Probiotics on Bacterial Flora of Various Gastrointestinal Regions in Holstein Calves

Shin-Ichi Kawakami, Tomoya Yamada, Naoto Nakanishi and Yimin Cai
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 9 (11) 1556 (2010)

Identification of intestinal M cells in isolated lymphoid follicles and Peyer’s patches of the Angora rabbit

Feyzullah Beyaz, Emel Ergün, Alev G. Bayraktaroğlu and Levent Ergün
Cell and Tissue Research 341 (3) 417 (2010)

Contributions of Conventional and Heavy-Chain IgG to Immunity in Fetal, Neonatal, and Adult Alpacas

L. P. Daley-Bauer, S. R. Purdy, M. C. Smith, et al.
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 17 (12) 2007 (2010)

B-cells need a proper house, whereas T-cells are happy in a cave: the dependence of lymphocytes on secondary lymphoid tissues during evolution

Janin Hofmann, Melanie Greter, Louis Du Pasquier and Burkhard Becher
Trends in Immunology 31 (4) 144 (2010)

Differential cytokine mRNA expression in single lymphatic follicles of the calf ileal and jejunal Peyer’s patches

Masahiro Yasuda, Tetsuo Nasu and Takayuki Murakami
Developmental & Comparative Immunology 33 (4) 430 (2009)

Is peritoneal reflection the best anatomical repair landmark in experimental colorectal surgery on rats?

Denise Gonçalves Priolli, Pamela Lícia Eiras da Silva, Adriane Moro Betini, et al.
Acta Cirurgica Brasileira 24 (6) 484 (2009)

Unique Microanatomy of Ileal Peyer's Patches of the One Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) is not Age‐Dependent

Mohamed Zidan and Reinhard Pabst
The Anatomical Record 291 (8) 1023 (2008)

Secondary Lymphoid Areas in Calf Ileal Peyer's Patch

Motoko TAKANASHI, Tetsuo NASU, Takayuki MURAKAMI and Masahiro YASUDA
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 70 (9) 985 (2008)

Development of the neonatal B and T cell repertoire in swine: implications for comparative and veterinary immunology

John E. Butler, Marek Sinkora, Nancy Wertz, Wolfgang Holtmeier and Caitlin D. Lemke
Veterinary Research 37 (3) 417 (2006)