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Inflammatory Responses Induced by the Monophasic Variant of Salmonella Typhimurium in Pigs Play a Role in the High Shedder Phenotype and Fecal Microbiota Composition
Epidemiological Study on Salmonella Prevalence in Sow Herds Using Direct and Indirect Detection Methods
Isabell Hollmann, Jan Berend Lingens, Volker Wilke, Christian Homann, Klaus Teich, Juhle Buch, Bussarakam Chuppava and Christian Visscher Microorganisms 10(8) 1532 (2022)
Weaned piglets: another factor to be considered for the control of Salmonella infection in breeding pig farms
Antibody Responses to Salmonella in Pigs from Weaning Up to Marketing and Presence of Salmonella at Slaughter
Corinne H. Schut, Abdolvahab Farzan, Margaret H. Ainslie-Garcia, Robert M. Friendship and Brandon N. Lillie Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 16(3) 187 (2019)
Infection, colonization and shedding of Campylobacter and Salmonella in animals and their contribution to human disease: A review
Elpidius Rukambile, Vitali Sintchenko, Gary Muscatello, Richard Kock and Robyn Alders Zoonoses and Public Health 66(6) 562 (2019)
Salmonella in breeding pigs: Shedding pattern, transmission of infection and the role of environmental contamination in Irish commercial farrow‐to‐finish herds
Reduction of Salmonella Shedding by Sows during Gestation in Relation to Its Fecal Microbiome
Guillaume Larivière-Gauthier, Alexandre Thibodeau, Ann Letellier, Étienne Yergeau and Philippe Fravalo Frontiers in Microbiology 8 (2017)
Salmonellain the pork production chain and its impact on human health in the European Union
Serological and bacteriological evaluation of Salmonella status in swine herds
František Šišák, Hana Havlíčková, Ján Matiašovic and Renata Karpíšková Czech Journal of Food Sciences 29(Special Issue) S102 (2011)
Integrating comparative expression profiling data and association of SNPs with Salmonella shedding for improved food safety and porcine disease resistance
Longitudinal study of fecal Salmonella shedding by sows
Chiara Magistrali, Nicoletta D'Avino, Francesca Ciuti, Lucilla Cucco, Carmen Maresca, Mart Paniccia, Eleonora Scoccia, Michele Tentellini and Giovanni Pezzotti Journal of Swine Health and Production 19(6) 326 (2011)
Producing Salmonella ‐free pigs: a review focusing on interventions at weaning
Salmonella entericaSubclinical Infection: Bacteriological, Serological, Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis, and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles—Longitudinal Study in a Three-Site Farrow-to-Finish Farm
Immunization of Sows in an Integrated Pig‐breeding Herd using a Homologous Inactivated Salmonella Vaccine Decreases the Prevalence of Salmonella typhimurium Infection in the Offspring