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Short communication: Assessment of biomarkers of inflammation in the vaginal discharge of postpartum dairy cows diagnosed with clinical metritis

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Milk haptoglobin detection based on enhanced chemiluminescence of gold nanoparticles

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Associations of pre- and postpartum lying time with metabolic, inflammation, and health status of lactating dairy cows

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Evaluation of alternatives to cautery disbudding of dairy goat kids using physiological measures of immediate and longer-term pain

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Assessment of daily activity patterns and biomarkers of pain, inflammation, and stress in lactating dairy cows diagnosed with clinical metritis

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Pilot study into milk haptoglobin as an indicator of udder health in heifers after calving

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A comparative study on selected APP, alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase activities in buffalo and cow with subclinical mastitis

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Test characteristics of milk amyloid A ELISA, somatic cell count, and bacteriological culture for detection of intramammary pathogens that cause subclinical mastitis

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Serum concentrations of acute phase proteins in goats and ewes with naturally acquired Staphylococcus aureus mastitis

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Intravaginal probiotics modulated metabolic status and improved milk production and composition of transition dairy cows1

Q. Deng, J. F. Odhiambo, U. Farooq, et al.
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Early post parturient changes in milk acute phase proteins

Funmilola C Thomas, Mary Waterston, Peter Hastie, Hayley Haining and P David Eckersall
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Prepartum concentrate supplementation of a diet based on medium-quality grass silage: Effects on performance, health, fertility, metabolic function, and immune function of low body condition score cows

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Characterization of Haptoglobin Isotype in Milk of Mastitis-Affected Cows

Indu Upadhyaya, Jacob Thanislass, Anitha Veerapandyan, Sharanabasav Badami and Prabhakar Antony
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Estimation of Acute Phase Proteins as Early Biomarkers of Buffalo Subclinical Mastitis

Mahavir Singh, Anshu Sharma, Ravindra Sharma, et al.
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The major acute phase proteins of bovine milk in a commercial dairy herd

Funmilola Clara Thomas, Mary Waterston, Peter Hastie, et al.
BMC Veterinary Research 11 (1) (2015)

Associations of peripartum markers of stress and inflammation with milk yield and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows

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Effects of intramammary infection on whey proteinograms of sheep during lactation

Vânia F. Lemos, Eduardo L.S. Guaraná, José A.B. Afonso, et al.
Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35 (3) 230 (2015)

Application of acute phase proteins as indicators of retained placenta and their relation to energy metabolites in postcalving dairy cows

Ezzatollah Fathi, Hosein Hamali, Mohamad Tolouei Kaleibar and Raheleh Farahzadi
Comparative Clinical Pathology 24 (1) 47 (2015)

Innate immunity and carbohydrate metabolism alterations precede occurrence of subclinical mastitis in transition dairy cows

Elda Dervishi, Guanshi Zhang, Dagnachew Hailemariam, Suzana M. Dunn and Burim N. Ametaj
Journal of Animal Science and Technology 57 (1) (2015)

Acute phase proteins and their use in the diagnosis of diseases in ruminants: a review

C. Tothova, O. Nagy and G. Kovac
Veterinární medicína 59 (4) 163 (2014)

Approach to treatment of bronchopneumonia by evaluation of selected acute-phase proteins in calf herds

Ezzatollah Fathi, Raheleh Farahzadi and Mohammad Imani
Comparative Clinical Pathology 22 (1) 125 (2013)

Detection of haptoglobin in seminal plasma of Awassi rams and the relation with its level in serum and some semen parameters

Dhafer M. Aziz and Ahmad K. Ahmad
Journal of Advanced Research 4 (6) 559 (2013)

Proteomic analysis of differentially expressed proteins in caprine milk during experimentally induced endotoxin mastitis

Z. Olumee-Shabon, T. Swain, E.A. Smith, E. Tall and J.L. Boehmer
Journal of Dairy Science 96 (5) 2903 (2013)

Use of milk amyloid A in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy ewes

Arianna Miglio, Livia Moscati, Gabriele Fruganti, et al.
Journal of Dairy Research 80 (4) 496 (2013)

Serum amyloid A isoforms in serum and milk from cows with Staphylococcus aureus subclinical mastitis

Milica Kovačević-Filipović, Vesna Ilić, Zoran Vujčić, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 145 (1-2) 120 (2012)

Assessment and Management of Pain in Dairy Cows with Clinical Mastitis

Kenneth E. Leslie and Christina S. Petersson-Wolfe
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice 28 (2) 289 (2012)

Validation of RNA isolated from milk fat globules to profile mammary epithelial cell expression during lactation and transcriptional response to a bacterial infection

P. Brenaut, R. Bangera, C. Bevilacqua, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 95 (10) 6130 (2012)

Development of an immunosensor assay for detection of haptoglobin in mastitic milk

Xun Tan, Shou‐Qiang Ding, Yu‐Xia Hu, Jun‐Jun Li and Ji‐Yong Zhou
Veterinary Clinical Pathology 41 (4) 575 (2012)

Concentration of serum amyloid A and ceruloplasmin activity in milk from cows with subclinical mastitis caused by different pathogens

M. Szczubiał, R. Dąbrowski, M. Kankofer, M. Bochniarz and M. Komar
Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences 15 (2) 291 (2012)

Natural variation in biomarkers indicating mastitis in healthy cows

Maria Åkerstedt, Linda Forsbäck, Torben Larsen and Kerstin Svennersten-Sjaunja
Journal of Dairy Research 78 (1) 88 (2011)

Acute phase proteins in milk in naturally acquired bovine mastitis caused by different pathogens

S. Pyörälä, M. Hovinen, H. Simojoki, et al.
Veterinary Record 168 (20) 535 (2011)

Milk amyloid A and selected serum proteins in cows suffering from mastitis

Gabriel Kováč, Csilla Tóthová, Oskar Nagy and Herbert Seidel
Acta Veterinaria Brno 80 (1) 3 (2011)

Serum haptoglobin–matrix metalloproteinase 9 (Hp–MMP 9) complex as a biomarker of systemic inflammation in cattle

G.A. Bannikov, C.A. Hinds, P.J. Rajala-Schultz, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 139 (1) 41 (2011)

Serum concentration and mRNA expression in milk somatic cells of toll-like receptor 2, toll-like receptor 4, and cytokines in dairy cows following intramammary inoculation with Escherichia coli

J.L. Ma, Y.H. Zhu, L. Zhang, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 94 (12) 5903 (2011)

The proteomic advantage: Label-free quantification of proteins expressed in bovine milk during experimentally induced coliform mastitis

Jamie L. Boehmer, Jeffrey A. DeGrasse, Melinda A. McFarland, et al.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 138 (4) 252 (2010)

Enzyme activity and acute phase proteins in milk utilized as indicators of acute clinical E. coli LPS-induced mastitis

T. Larsen, C.M. Røntved, K.L. Ingvartsen, L. Vels and M. Bjerring
Animal 4 (10) 1672 (2010)

Association of increased serum acute‐phase protein concentrations with reproductive performance in dairy cows with postpartum metritis

Jacky Peng‐Wen Chan, Chao‐Chin Chang, Wei‐Li Hsu, Wen‐Bor Liu and Ter‐Hsin Chen
Veterinary Clinical Pathology 39 (1) 72 (2010)

Evaluation of milk haptoglobin and amyloid A in high producing dairy cattle with clinical and subclinical mastitis in Shiraz

M. Haghkhah, S. Nazifi and A. Ghaderian Jahromi
Comparative Clinical Pathology 19 (6) 547 (2010)

Tumor necrosis factor-α and acute-phase proteins in early pregnant ewes after challenge with peptidoglycan-polysaccharide

T.L. Dow, G. Rogers-Nieman, I. Holásková, T.H. Elsasser and R.A. Dailey
Domestic Animal Endocrinology 39 (2) 147 (2010)

Determination of milk and blood concentrations of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein in cows with naturally acquired subclinical and clinical mastitis

R. Zeng, B.J. Bequette, B.T. Vinyard and D.D. Bannerman
Journal of Dairy Science 92 (3) 980 (2009)

Acute phase proteins in the diagnosis of bovine subclinical mastitis

Shahabeddin Safi, Ameneh Khoshvaghti, Seyed Reza Jafarzadeh, Mahmoud Bolourchi and Iradj Nowrouzian
Veterinary Clinical Pathology 38 (4) 471 (2009)

Pathogen-dependent induction of cytokines and other soluble inflammatory mediators during intramammary infection of dairy cows1

D. D. Bannerman
Journal of Animal Science 87 (suppl_13) 10 (2009)

Use of serum amyloid A and milk amyloid A in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows

Gabriele Gerardi, Daniele Bernardini, Carla Azzurra Elia, et al.
Journal of Dairy Research 76 (4) 411 (2009)

Neutrophils as one of the major haptoglobin sources in mastitis affected milk

I-Hsiang Lai, Jung Hsu Tsao, Yi Ping Lu, et al.
Veterinary Research 40 (3) 17 (2009)

Study on diagnostic values of haptoglobin and serum amyloid A concentration in bovine heart diseases

S. Nazifi, A. Rezakhani, A. Moaddeli, M. Zarifi and H. R. Gheisari
Comparative Clinical Pathology 18 (1) 47 (2009)

Divergent antimicrobial peptide (AMP) and acute phase protein (APP) responses to Trypanosoma congolense infection in trypanotolerant and trypanosusceptible cattle

Kieran G. Meade, Grace M. O’Gorman, Emmeline W. Hill, et al.
Molecular Immunology 47 (2-3) 196 (2009)

Haptoglobin and serum amyloid A in bulk tank milk in relation to raw milk quality

Maria Åkerstedt, Karin Persson Waller and Åse Sternesjö
Journal of Dairy Research 76 (4) 483 (2009)

Relationship between haptoglobin and serum amyloid A in milk and milk quality

Maria Åkerstedt, Karin Persson Waller, Lotte Bach Larsen, Linda Forsbäck and Åse Sternesjö
International Dairy Journal 18 (6) 669 (2008)

Proteomic Analysis of Differentially Expressed Proteins in Bovine Milk During Experimentally Induced Escherichia coli Mastitis

J.L. Boehmer, D.D. Bannerman, K. Shefcheck and J.L. Ward
Journal of Dairy Science 91 (11) 4206 (2008)

Determination of selected acute phase proteins during the treatment of limb diseases in dairy cows

P. Jawor, S. Steiner, T. Stefaniak, W. Baumgartner and A. Rzasa
Veterinární medicína 53 (4) 173 (2008)

Subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows: The physiological causes, incidence and consequences

J.C. Plaizier, D.O. Krause, G.N. Gozho and B.W. McBride
The Veterinary Journal 176 (1) 21 (2008)

Staphylococcus aureus Elicits Marked Alterations in the Airway Proteome during Early Pneumonia

Christy L. Ventura, Roger Higdon, Laura Hohmann, et al.
Infection and Immunity 76 (12) 5862 (2008)

Acute phase response in two consecutive experimentally induced E. coli intramammary infections in dairy cows

Leena Suojala, Toomas Orro, Hanna Järvinen, Johanna Saatsi and Satu Pyörälä
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 50 (1) (2008)

Haptoglobin comprises about 10% of granule protein extracted from bovine granulocytes isolated from healthy cattle

Ruby Cooray, Karin Persson Waller and Per Venge
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 119 (3-4) 310 (2007)

Haptoglobin and lactate dehydrogenase measurements in milk for the identification of subclinically diseased udder quarters

S. Hiss, U. Mueller, A. Neu-Zahren and H. Sauerwein
Veterinární medicína 52 (6) 245 (2007)

Short Communication: Cellular Localization of Haptoglobin mRNA in the Experimentally Infected Bovine Mammary Gland

M.A. Thielen, M. Mielenz, S. Hiss, et al.
Journal of Dairy Science 90 (3) 1215 (2007)

Qualitative detection of haptoglobin mRNA in bovine and human blood leukocytes and bovine milk somatic cells

M.A. Thielen, M. Mielenz, S. Hiss and H. Sauerwein
Veterinární medicína 50 (12) 515 (2005)