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Identification of differentially expressed gene pathways between cytopathogenic and non-cytopathogenic BVDV-1 strains by analysis of the transcriptome of infected primary bovine cells
Rémi La Polla, Marie-Claire Testard, Abdelghafar Goumaidi, Elodie Chapot, Catherine Legras-Lachuer and Blandine de Saint-Vis Virology 567 34 (2022)
Bovine pestivirus is a new alternative virus for multiple myeloma oncolytic virotherapy
Expression of the NS3 protease of cytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus results in the induction of apoptosis but does not block activation of the beta interferon promoter
Inhibition of Sphingosine Kinase by Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus NS3 Is Crucial for Efficient Viral Replication and Cytopathogenesis
Daisuke Yamane, Muhammad A. Zahoor, Yassir M. Mohamed, et al. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(20) 13648 (2009)
Transplacental Infection with Non-Cytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus Types 1b and 2: Viral Spread and Molecular Neuropathology