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Usefulness of differential somatic cell count for udder health monitoring: association of differential somatic cell count and somatic cell score with quarter-level milk yield and milk components
Mariana Fonseca, Daryna Kurban, Jean-Philippe Roy, Débora E. Santschi, Elouise Molgat and Simon Dufour Journal of Dairy Science (2025)
Prevalence, antibiotic resistance patterns, and virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus isolates associated with bovine mastitis in northern Bangladesh
Virulence of Bacteria Causing Mastitis in Dairy Cows: A Literature Review
Xiaofang Tong, Herman W. Barkema, Diego B. Nobrega, Chuang Xu, Bo Han, Chenyibo Zhang, Jingyue Yang, Xiaoping Li and Jian Gao Microorganisms 13(1) 167 (2025)
The quality and technological parameters of milk obtained from dairy cows with subclinical mastitis
Magdalena Zalewska, Paulina Brzozowska, Magdalena Rzewuska, Ewelina Kawecka-Grochocka, Daria M. Urbańska, Tomasz Sakowski and Emilia Bagnicka Journal of Dairy Science 108(2) 1285 (2025)
Methylome-wide analysis of milk somatic cells upon subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle
D. Giannuzzi, E. Capra, V. Bisutti, A. Vanzin, P. Ajmone Marsan, A. Cecchinato and S. Pegolo Journal of Dairy Science 107(3) 1805 (2024)
Mastitis Classification in Dairy Cows Using Weakly Supervised Representation Learning
Economic losses caused by mastitis and the influence of climate variation on the occurrence of the disease in a dairy cattle farm in southern Brazil
Diego Cristiano Corrêa, Gabriela Tormes Nunes, Roberto Antônio Delgado Barcelos, Jamilly Rosa dos Santos, Fernanda Silveira Flôres Vogel and Juliana Felipetto Cargnelutti Tropical Animal Health and Production 56(2) (2024)
Milk miRNA expression in buffaloes as a potential biomarker for mastitis
Abhishek B. Jadhav, Shailesh D. Ingole, Simin V. Bharucha, Korsapati L. Yoshitha, Rajiv V. Gaikwad, Rajesh R. Pharande and Shambhudeo D. Kharde BMC Veterinary Research 20(1) (2024)
Genetic analysis of lactation consistency in US Holsteins using temporal variation in daily milk weights
Fiona L. Guinan, Robert H. Fourdraine, Francisco Peñagaricano and Kent A. Weigel Journal of Dairy Science 107(4) 2194 (2024)
The Effects of Lentinan on the Hematological and Immune Indices of Dairy Cows
Lun Tan, Caiyun Fan, Dian Wang, Xiao Li, Meng Wang, Zhao Zhuo, Shuaihong Li, Yuhang Ding, Zixi Yang and Jianbo Cheng Animals 14(9) 1314 (2024)
D. Deepak, P. Preena, R. Vaidya, S. A. Ali, N. Boby, B. K. Pati, U. K. De, M.R. Verma, Monalisa Sahoo, Pallab Chaudhury and Reena Mukherjee (2024)
Inbreeding depression for producer-recorded udder, metabolic, and reproductive diseases in US dairy cattle
Emmanuel A. Lozada-Soto, Kristen L. Parker Gaddis, Francesco Tiezzi, Jicai Jiang, Li Ma, Sajjad Toghiani, Paul M. VanRaden and Christian Maltecca Journal of Dairy Science 107(5) 3032 (2024)
Effects of extending dairy cow longevity by adjusted reproduction management decisions on partial net return and greenhouse gas emissions: A dynamic stochastic herd simulation study
Continuous sampling of healthy and mastitic quarters of lactating cattle by ultrafiltration after intramammary ceftiofur hydrochloride administration
Danielle A. Mzyk, Jennifer L. Halleran, Hannah J. Sylvester, Claire B. Giles, Megan E. Jacob, Ronald E. Baynes and Derek M. Foster Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 38(5) 2814 (2024)
Online Monitoring of the Temperature and Relative Humidity of Recycled Bedding for Dairy Cows on Dairy Farms
Yong Wei, Kun Liu, Yaao Li, Zhixing Li, Tianyu Zhao, Pengfei Zhao, Yayin Qi, Meiying Li and Zongyuan Wang Fermentation 10(7) 346 (2024)
Role of mastitis in on-farm deaths of Finnish dairy cows
Survey of farm, parlour and milking management, parlour technologies, SCC control strategies and farmer demographics on Irish dairy farms
Alice Uí Chearbhaill, Pablo Silva Boloña, Eoin G. Ryan, Catherine I. McAloon, Alison Burrell, Conor G. McAloon and John Upton Irish Veterinary Journal 77(1) (2024)
Performance comparison of machine learning models used for predicting subclinical mastitis in dairy cows: Bagging, boosting, stacking, and super-learner ensembles versus single machine learning models
Nanosensors for animal infectious disease detection
Thuanny Borba Rios, Mariana Rocha Maximiano, Gabriel Cidade Feitosa, Martin Malmsten and Octávio Luiz Franco Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 43 100622 (2024)
Siyah Alaca, Kırmızı Alaca ve Simental sığır sütlerinde somatik hücre sayısı ile süt amiloid A, elektriksel iletkenlik ve pH arasındaki ilişkiler
Usefulness of differential somatic cell count for udder health monitoring: Diagnostic performance of somatic cell count, and differential somatic cell count for diagnosing of intramammary infections in dairy herds with automated milking systems
Mariana Fonseca, Daryna Kurban, Jean-Philippe Roy, Débora E. Santschi, Elouise Molgat and Simon Dufour Journal of Dairy Science (2024)
A pound for information or a penny for cure: Farmers' economic decisions on testing and treatment of livestock diseases
Abenezer Zeleke Aklilu, Katarina Elofsson, Peter Halvarsson, Petter Kjellander and Johan Höglund Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 68(2) 460 (2024)
Mastitis impact on high-yielding dairy farm’s reproduction and net present value
Transcriptome sequencing analysis of bovine mammary epithelial cells induced by lipopolysaccharide
Jingjing Liu, Yingkui Gao, Xing Zhang, Zhonghua Hao, Huaqiang Zhang, Rong Gui, Fang Liu, Chao Tong and Xuebing Wang Animal Biotechnology 35(1) (2024)
Meta-analysis of six dairy cattle breeds reveals biologically relevant candidate genes for mastitis resistance
Zexi Cai, Terhi Iso-Touru, Marie-Pierre Sanchez, Naveen Kadri, Aniek C. Bouwman, Praveen Krishna Chitneedi, Iona M. MacLeod, Christy J. Vander Jagt, Amanda J. Chamberlain, Birgit Gredler-Grandl, Mirjam Spengeler, Mogens Sandø Lund, Didier Boichard, Christa Kühn, Hubert Pausch, Johanna Vilkki and Goutam Sahana Genetics Selection Evolution 56(1) (2024)
Antimicrobial Susceptibility in Clinical Mastitis Cases on Simmental Farms in the Mačva Region (Serbia)
Milan Ninković, Jadranka Žutić, Marija Pavlović, Nemanja Jezdimirović, Oliver Radanović, Marko Nikolić and Nemanja Zdravković Contemporary Agriculture 73(1-2) 1 (2024)
Feeding live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) improved performance of mid-lactation dairy cows by altering ruminal bacterial communities and functions of serum antioxidation and immune responses
Qian Zhang, Lifeng Ma, Xiaoqing Zhang, Hao Jia, Tana, Yu Guo, Jize Zhang and Jianlong Wang BMC Veterinary Research 20(1) (2024)
Human animal relationships in Bos indicus cattle breeds addressed from a Five Domains welfare framework
Daniel Mota-Rojas, Alexandra L. Whittaker, Ana C. Strappini, Agustín Orihuela, Adriana Domínguez-Oliva, Patricia Mora-Medina, Adolfo Álvarez-Macías, Ismael Hernández-Avalos, Adriana Olmos-Hernández, Brenda Reyes-Sotelo and Temple Grandin Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11 (2024)
Loredana Basiricò, Tiziana Vetturini and Umberto Bernabucci 99 (2024)
Interleukin-6 as a Milk Marker of Clinical and Subclinical Intramammary Infections (IMI) in Cows Caused by Streptococcus spp.
Mariola Bochniarz, Monika Ziomek, Marek Szczubiał, Roman Dąbrowski, Marco Wochnik, Łukasz Kurek, Urszula Kosior-Korzecka and Aneta Nowakiewicz Animals 14(7) 1100 (2024)
Dairy farmer income, working time, and antimicrobial use under different dry cow therapy protocols
Thomas Le Page, Ahmed Ferchiou, Simon Dufour, Fidèle Kabera, Jocelyn Dubuc, Guillaume Lhermie, Didier Raboisson and Jean-Philippe Roy Journal of Dairy Science 107(10) 8115 (2024)
Animal health as a function of farmer personality and attitude: using the HEXACO model of personality structure to predict farm-level seropositivity for Fasciola hepatica and Ostertagia ostertagi in dairy cows
Markus Leinmueller, Friedemann Adler, Amely Campe, Gabriela Knubben-Schweizer, Martina Hoedemaker, Christina Strube, Andrea Springer and Andreas W. Oehm Frontiers in Veterinary Science 11 (2024)
Economic impact of subclinical mastitis treatment in early lactation using intramammary nisin
Usefulness of differential somatic cell count for udder health monitoring: Identifying referential values for differential somatic cell count in healthy quarters and quarters with subclinical mastitis
Mariana Fonseca, Daryna Kurban, Jean-Philippe Roy, Débora E. Santschi, Elouise Molgat, Danchen Aaron Yang and Simon Dufour Journal of Dairy Science (2024)
Molecular insights into expression and silencing of resistance determinants in Staphylococcus aureus
Muhammad Ijaz, Muhammad Jawad Sabir, Muhammad Umar Javed, Arslan Ahmed, Hamza Rasheed and Ali Abdullah Jabir Tropical Medicine & International Health 29(6) 526 (2024)
Conditioner application improves bedding quality and bacterial composition with potential beneficial impacts for dairy cow’s health
Lysiane Duniere, Bastien Frayssinet, Caroline Achard, Eric Chevaux, Julia Plateau and Jeffrey A. Gralnick Microbiology Spectrum 12(4) (2024)
Can technology mitigate the environmental impact of dairy farms?
Estimating the nonlinear interaction between somatic cell score and differential somatic cell count on milk production by parity using generalized additive models
Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Livestock Science
Bheemshetty S. Patil, Pallavi S. Kanthe, Prachi P. Parvatikar and Aravind V. Patil Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Livestock Science 260 (2023)
Adult Stem Cell Research in Light of the Bovine Mammary Gland Regenerative
A study of the effectiveness of a detergent-based California mastitis test (CMT), using Ethiopian and Nigerian domestic detergents, for the detection of high somatic cell counts in milk and their reliability compared to the commercial UK CMT
Heritability and genetic correlations of total and differential somatic cell count with milk yield and composition traits in Italian Simmental cows
Michela Ablondi, Andrea Summer, Giorgia Stocco, Lorenzo Degano, Daniele Vicario, Bruno Stefanon, Alberto Sabbioni and Claudio Cipolat-Gotet Journal of Dairy Science 106(12) 9071 (2023)
High-throughput analysis of CircRNA in cows with naturally infected Staphylococcus aureus mammary gland
In-vivo evaluation of an innovative feed additive formulation of Pinus Brutia Ten. resin containing turpentine and colophony and the effects on milk production performance and somatic cell counts of holstein dairy cows
Polymeric Nanoparticles for Bovine Mastitis Treatment
Ali Haider, Muhammad Ikram, Iram Shahzadi and Muhammad Asif Raza Springer Series in Biomaterials Science and Engineering, Polymeric Nanoparticles for Bovine Mastitis Treatment 19 49 (2023)
Health concerns about possible long-term effects of legally marketed milk and dairy from animals with intramammary infections
Isolation of Pathogenic Bacteria from Dairy Cow Mastitis and Correlation of Biofilm Formation and Drug Resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Jiangsu, China
Activation of PINK1-mediated mitophagy protects bovine mammary epithelial cells against lipopolysaccharide-induced mitochondrial and inflammatory damage in vitro
Associations of production characteristics with the on-farm presence of Fasciola hepatica in dairy cows vary across production levels and indicate differences between breeds
Andreas W. Oehm, Yury Zablotski, Martina Hoedemaker, Amely Campe, Christina Strube, Daniela Jordan, Andrea Springer, Markus Klawitter, Gabriela Knubben-Schweizer and Harvie P. Portugaliza PLOS ONE 18(11) e0294601 (2023)
Variation in partial direct costs of treating clinical mastitis among 37 Wisconsin dairy farms
J. Leite de Campos, J.L. Gonçalves, A. Kates, A. Steinberger, A. Sethi, G. Suen, John Shutske, N. Safdar, Tony Goldberg and P.L. Ruegg Journal of Dairy Science 106(12) 9276 (2023)
New Insights on Nucleotide Sequence Variants and mRNA Levels of Candidate Genes Assessing Resistance/Susceptibility to Mastitis in Holstein and Montbéliarde Dairy Cows
Early detection of subclinical mastitis in lactating dairy cows using cow-level features
A. Pakrashi, C. Ryan, C. Guéret, D.P. Berry, M. Corcoran, M.T. Keane and B. Mac Namee Journal of Dairy Science 106(7) 4978 (2023)
Influences of management practices, information sources, and awareness on use of antibiotics among small-scale goat and sheep farmers
Tobenna Aniume, Aditya Khanal, Richard Browning, Maria Lenira Leite-Browning and Agnes Kilonzo-Nthenge Applied Animal Science 39(5) 317 (2023)
Ahlam Ahmed Abou Mossallam, Soheir M. El Nahas, Noha M. Osman, El-Hassan T Shahwan and Nevien M. Sabry (2023)
Advances in Diagnostic Approaches and Therapeutic Management in Bovine Mastitis
Sequence analysis of TLR4 gene in river buffalo (Egyptian breed) and SNPs association with Mastitis
Ahlam Abou Mossallam, Soheir M. El Nahas, Noha M. Osman, El-Hassan T. Shahwan and Nevien M. Sabry Bulletin of the National Research Centre 47(1) (2023)
Status of udder health performance indicators and implementation of on farm monitoring on German dairy cow farms: results from a large scale cross-sectional study
Milk fat miRNome changes in response to LPS challenge in Holstein cows
Christine Leroux, Matteo Cuccato, Karol Pawłowski, Francesca Tiziana Cannizzo, Paola Sacchi, José A. A. Pires and Yannick Faulconnier Veterinary Research 54(1) (2023)
Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR Genotyping of 89 SNPs in Romanian Spotted and Romanian Brown Cattle Breeds and Their Association with Clinical Mastitis
Intermediate Cluster Disinfection: Which Disinfection Solution Is Most Effective on Milking Liners? A Comparison of Microorganism Reduction on Liner Inner Surfaces Using Quantitative Swab Sampling Technique
Intramammary Infusion of Micronised Purified Flavonoid Fraction (MPFF) in Mastitis-Diagnosed Dairy Cows Naturally Infected by Staphylococcus spp. in the Late Lactation