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Common commercially available parasiticides do not cause fatal changes in the microbiome of the dung beetle Onthophagus binodis –a pilot study

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Understanding Animal-Plant-Parasite Interactions to Improve the Management of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Grazing Ruminants

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Determination of abamectin in heart blood and urine following lethal intoxication: a case report

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Toxicity of ivermectin residues in aged farmyard manure to terrestrial and freshwater invertebrates

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Os agrotóxicos no contexto da Saúde Única

Edaciano Leandro Losch, Caroline Bedin Zanatta, Giuliano Pereira de Barros, Marília Carla de Mello Gaia and Patrizia Ana Bricarello
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Heat shock proteins and antioxidants as mechanisms of response to ivermectin in the dung beetle Euoniticellus intermedius

Sebastián Villada-Bedoya, Jesús Ramsés Chávez-Ríos, Bibiana Montoya, et al.
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Lasting decrease in functionality and richness: Effects of ivermectin use on dung beetle communities

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The threat of veterinary medicinal products and biocides on pollinators: A One Health perspective

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Efficient degradation of ivermectin by newly isolated Aeromonas taiwanensis ZJB-18,044

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Dung beetles: functional identity, not functional diversity, accounts for ecological process disruption caused by the use of veterinary medical products

Mattia Tonelli, José R. Verdú, Federico Morelli and Mario Zunino
Journal of Insect Conservation 24 (4) 643 (2020)

Wood Pastures: A Transitional Habitat between Forests and Pastures for Dung Beetle Assemblages

László Somay, Viktor Szigeti, Gergely Boros, Réka Ádám and András Báldi
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Determination of 19 anthelmintics in environmental water and sediment using an optimized PLE and SPE method coupled with UHPLC-MS/MS

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Pharmaceuticals in environment: the effect of ivermectin on ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.)

Martina Navrátilová, Lucie Raisová Stuchlíková, Lenka Skálová, et al.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (25) 31202 (2020)

Behavioral Ecology and Secondary Seed Dispersal by Two Roller Dung Beetles, Sisyphus rubrus (Paschalidis, 1974) and Sisyphus spinipes (Thunberg, 1818) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae)

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The Coleopterists Bulletin 74 (4) (2020)

Evaluating the link between predation and pest control services in the mite world

Lise Roy, Adrien Taudière, Julien Papaïx, et al.
Ecology and Evolution 10 (18) 9968 (2020)

Dung Beetle Body Condition: A Tool for Disturbance Evaluation in Contaminated Pastures

Sebastián Villada-Bedoya, Alex Córdoba-Aguilar, Federico Escobar, Imelda Martínez-Morales and Daniel González-Tokman
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38 (11) 2392 (2019)

Proposal for a Monitoring Concept for Veterinary Medicinal Products with PBT Properties, Using Parasiticides as a Case Study

Jörg Römbke and Karen Duis
Toxics 6 (1) 14 (2018)

Trans-generational and within-generational effects of two macrocyclic lactones on tunneller and dweller dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): a case study

I. Martínez M., N. Kadiri, Y. Gil Pérez and J.P. Lumaret
The Canadian Entomologist 150 (5) 610 (2018)

Ivermectin dissipation and movement from feces to soil under field conditions

Lucía Emilia Iglesias, Carlos Saumell, Federica Sagüés, Juan Manuel Sallovitz and Adrián Luis Lifschitz
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 53 (1) 42 (2018)

Efecto de la ivermectina sobre la estructura del ensamble de escarabajos coprófagos (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae-Scarabaeinae) en las sabanas colombianas de la región Caribe

Hernando L. Tovar, Jorge Ari Noriega and Pedro Caraballo
Actualidades Biológicas 38 (105) 157 (2017)

Simple extraction method for quantification of phenothiazine residues in pork muscle using liquid chromatography–triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry

Dan Zhang, Jin‐A Park, Seong‐Kwan Kim, et al.
Biomedical Chromatography 31 (6) (2017)

Diversity and structure of dung beetle assemblages under two contrasted habitats in Tunisia: oases vs. humid pastures

Imen Labidi, Saïd Nouira and Faïek Errouissi
Austral Entomology 56 (1) 54 (2017)

Effects of grazing intensity and the use of veterinary medical products on dung beetle biodiversity in the sub-mountainous landscape of Central Italy

Mattia Tonelli, José R. Verdú and Mario E. Zunino
PeerJ 5 e2780 (2017)

Comparison of Chemical Attractants against Dung Beetles and Application for Rangeland and Animal Health

J. A. Goolsby, N. K. Singh, D. B. Thomas, et al.
Southwestern Entomologist 42 (2) 339 (2017)

Autophagy response in the liver of pigeon exposed to avermectin

Xian-Song Wang, Ci Liu, Pervez Ahmed Khoso, et al.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 (14) 12767 (2017)

Photosensitizers in the fight against ticks: safranin as a novel photodynamic fluorescent acaricide to control the camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii (Ixodidae)

Hanem Khater, Nabil Hendawy, Marimuthu Govindarajan, Kadarkarai Murugan and Giovanni Benelli
Parasitology Research 115 (10) 3747 (2016)

Laboratory Assays of the Effects of Oxfendazole on Biological Parameters ofGalleria mellonella(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

Serkan Sugeçti, Ender Büyükgüzel and Kemal Büyükgüzel
Journal of Entomological Science 51 (2) 129 (2016)

Antiparasitic drugs: in vitro tests against nematophagous fungi

G. F. Ferreira, T. M. Freitas, C. L. Gonçalves, et al.
Brazilian Journal of Biology 76 (4) 990 (2016)

Isolation, characterization, and tissue-specific expression of GABA A receptor α1 subunit gene of Carassius auratus gibelio after avermectin treatment

Yini Zhao, Qi Sun, Kun Hu, Jiming Ruan and Xianle Yang
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (1) 83 (2016)

The Importance of Maize Management on Dung Beetle Communities in Atlantic Forest Fragments

Renata Calixto Campos, Malva Isabel Medina Hernández and Ricardo Bomfim Machado
PLOS ONE 10 (12) e0145000 (2015)

Administration of ivermectin to peridomestic cattle: a promising approach to target the residual transmission of human malaria

Hermann S. Pooda, Jean-Baptiste Rayaisse, Domonbabele François de Sale Hien, et al.
Malaria Journal 14 (1) (2015)

A four-country ring test of nontarget effects of ivermectin residues on the function of coprophilous communities of arthropods in breaking down livestock dung

Thomas Tixier, Wolf U. Blanckenhorn, Joost Lahr, Kevin Floate, Adam Scheffczyk, Rolf-Alexander Düring, Manuel Wohde, Jörg Römbke and Jean-Pierre Lumaret
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (8) 1953 (2015)

Effects of ivermectin application on the diversity and function of dung and soil fauna: Regulatory and scientific background information

Nicole Adler, Jean Bachmann, Wolf U. Blanckenhorn, Kevin D. Floate, John Jensen and Jörg Römbke
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (8) 1914 (2015)

Effects of ivermectin residues on dung invertebrate communities in a UK farmland habitat

Gemma Sutton, James Bennett, Mark Bateman, Alan Stewart and Jorge M. Lobo
Insect Conservation and Diversity 7 (1) 64 (2014)

Global DNA hypomethylation: A potential mechanism in King pigeon nerve tissue damage induced by avermectin

Ye Cao, Li-jie Chen, Zi-wei Zhang, et al.
Chemico-Biological Interactions 219 113 (2014)

Landscape diversity of pasture dung beetle communities in the central region of mainland Japan and implications for conservation management

O. Imura, N. Morimoto, K. Shi and H. Sasaki
Biodiversity and Conservation 23 (3) 597 (2014)

The acaricidal efficacy of aqueous neem extract and ivermectin against Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi in experimentally infested rabbits

Shaker A. Seddiek, Hanem F. Khater, Mohamed M. El-Shorbagy and Ali M. Ali
Parasitology Research 112 (6) 2319 (2013)

In vitro control of the camel nasal botfly, Cephalopina titillator, with doramectin, lavender, camphor, and onion oils

Hanem F. Khater, Mohamed Y. Ramadan and Abla D. Abdel Mageid
Parasitology Research 112 (7) 2503 (2013)

Decrease in survival and fecundity of Glossina palpalis gambiensis vanderplank 1949 (Diptera: Glossinidae) fed on cattle treated with single doses of ivermectin

Sié H Pooda, Karine Mouline, Thierry De Meeûs, Zakaria Bengaly and Philippe Solano
Parasites & Vectors 6 (1) (2013)

Comparing Dung Beetle Species Assemblages Between Protected Areas and Adjacent Pasturelands in a Mediterranean Savanna Landscape

Catherine Numa, José R. Verdú, Cristina Rueda and Eduardo Galante
Rangeland Ecology & Management 65 (2) 137 (2012)

The economic effects of whole-herd versus selective anthelmintic treatment strategies in dairy cows

J. Charlier, B. Levecke, B. Devleesschauwer, J. Vercruysse and H. Hogeveen
Journal of Dairy Science 95 (6) 2977 (2012)

Moxidectin and the avermectins: Consanguinity but not identity

Roger Prichard, Cécile Ménez and Anne Lespine
International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance 2 134 (2012)

Studies revealing bioremediation potential of the strain Burkholderia sp. GB-01 for abamectin contaminated soils

Shinawar Waseem Ali, Fang-bo Yu, Lian-tai Li, et al.
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 28 (1) 39 (2012)

Analysis, occurrence and fate of anthelmintics and their transformation products in the environment

A.J.M. Horvat, S. Babić, D.M. Pavlović, et al.
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 31 61 (2012)

Relative Neurotoxicity of Ivermectin and Moxidectin in Mdr1ab (−/−) Mice and Effects on Mammalian GABA(A) Channel Activity

Cécile Ménez, Jean-François Sutra, Roger Prichard, Anne Lespine and Jennifer Keiser
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6 (11) e1883 (2012)

Dose Imprecision and Resistance: Free-Choice Medicated Feeds in Industrial Food Animal Production in the United States

David C. Love, Meghan F. Davis, Anna Bassett, Andrew Gunther and Keeve E. Nachman
Environmental Health Perspectives 119 (3) 279 (2011)

Environmental monitoring of ivermectin excreted in spring climatic conditions by treated cattle on dung fauna and degradation of faeces on pasture

Lucía E. Iglesias, Luis A. Fusé, Adrián L. Lifschitz, et al.
Parasitology Research 108 (5) 1185 (2011)

How to test nontarget effects of veterinary pharmaceutical residues in livestock dung in the field

Ralf Jochmann, Wolf U Blanckenhorn, Luc Bussière, Charles E Eirkson, John Jensen, Ute Kryger, Joost Lahr, Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Jörg Römbke, Keith G Wardhaugh and Kevin D Floate
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 7 (2) 287 (2011)

Environmental risk assessment of ivermectin: A case study

Markus Liebig, Álvaro Alonso Fernandez, Elke Blübaum-Gronau, Alistair Boxall, Marvin Brinke, Gregoria Carbonell, Philipp Egeler, Kathrin Fenner, Carlos Fernandez, Guido Fink, Jeanne Garric, Bent Halling-Sørensen, Thomas Knacker, Kristine A Krogh, Anette Küster, Dirk Löffler, Miguel Ángel Porcel Cots, Louise Pope, Carsten Prasse, Jörg Römbke, Ines Rönnefahrt, Manuel K. Schneider, Natascha Schweitzer, José V Tarazona, Thomas A Ternes, et al.
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (S1) 567 (2010)

Analytical procedure for the determination of eprinomectin in soil and cattle faeces

V.D. Litskas, G.C. Batzias, X.N. Karamanlis and A.P. Kamarianos
Journal of Chromatography B 878 (19) 1537 (2010)

Effects of the parasiticide ivermectin on the structure and function of dung and soil invertebrate communities in the field (Madrid, Spain)

Jörg Römbke, Anja Coors, Álvaro Alonso Fernández, et al.
Applied Soil Ecology 45 (3) 284 (2010)

Isolation and characterization of an abamectin-degrading Burkholderia cepacia-like GB-01 strain

Shinawar Waseem Ali, Rong Li, Wei-you Zhou, et al.
Biodegradation 21 (3) 441 (2010)

Field effects of faecal residues from ivermectin slow-release boluses on the attractiveness of cattle dung to dung beetles

Medical and Veterinary Entomology 24 (4) 433 (2010)

Recommendations on the environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals: Effect characterization

Heike Schmitt, Tatiana Boucard, Jeanne Garric, John Jensen, Joanne Parrott, Alexandre Péry, Jörg Römbke, Jürg Oliver Straub, Thomas H Hutchinson, Paloma Sánchez-Argüello, Åke Wennmalm and Karen Duis
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 6 (S1) 588 (2010)

Factors influencing dissipation of avermectins in sheep faeces

Tina Virant Celestina, Lucija Kolar, Ivan Gobec, et al.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73 (1) 18 (2010)

Effects of the Veterinary Pharmaceutical Ivermectin on Soil Invertebrates in Laboratory Tests

J. Römbke, K. A. Krogh, T. Moser, A. Scheffczyk and M. Liebig
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58 (2) 332 (2010)

Single- and two-species tests to study effects of the anthelmintics ivermectin and morantel and the coccidiostatic monensin on soil invertebrates

John Jensen, Xiaoping Diao and Anne Duus Hansen
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28 (2) 316 (2009)

The veterinary drug ivermectin influences immune response in the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)

Helen M. West and Saoirse R. Tracy
Environmental Pollution 157 (3) 955 (2009)

Membrane–Water partitioning, membrane permeability, and baseline toxicity of the parasiticides ivermectin, albendazole, and morantel

Beate I Escher, Cindy Berger, Nadine Bramaz, Jung-Hwan Kwon, Manuela Richter, Oksana Tsinman and Alex Avdeef
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27 (4) 909 (2008)

Toxicity of abamectin and doramectin to soil invertebrates

Lucija Kolar, Nevenka Kožuh Eržen, Lenny Hogerwerf and Cornelis A.M. van Gestel
Environmental Pollution 151 (1) 182 (2008)

Estimating the use of veterinary medicines in the European union

Stefan A.E. Kools, Johann F. Moltmann and Thomas Knacker
Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 50 (1) 59 (2008)

Consequences of the cessation of 3000 years of grazing on dry Mediterranean grassland ground-active beetle assemblages

Sylvain Fadda, Frédéric Henry, Jérôme Orgeas, Philippe Ponel, Élise Buisson and Thierry Dutoit
Comptes Rendus. Biologies 331 (7) 532 (2008)

A Screening Level Index for Assessing the Impacts of Veterinary Medicines on Dung Flies

Alistair B. A. Boxall, Tom N. Sherratt, Victoria Pudner and Louise J. Pope
Environmental Science & Technology 41 (7) 2630 (2007)

New screening test to predict the potential impact of ivermectin-contaminated cattle dung on dung beetles

Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Michel Alvinerie, Hella Hempel, et al.
Veterinary Research 38 (1) 15 (2007)

Importance of Dung Incorporation Activity by Three Species of Coprophagous Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) Macrofauna in Pastureland on “La Michilía” Biosphere Reserve in Durango, Mexico

Sofía Anduaga and Carmen Huerta
Environmental Entomology 36 (3) 555 (2007)[555:IODIAB]2.0.CO;2