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Trickle-down effects of the cattle parasiticide ivermectin on soil microfauna on a prairie grassland

Newton Z. Lupwayi, Kevin D. Floate, Timothy D. Schwinghamer, Xiying Hao and Derrick A. Kanashiro
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Effect of Antiparasitic Management of Cattle on the Diversity and Functional Structure of Dung Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Assemblages in the Colombian Caribbean

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Lasting decrease in functionality and richness: Effects of ivermectin use on dung beetle communities

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Relationship of Dung Beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) Abundance and Parasite Control in Cattle on Pastures throughout Maryland

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Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution of Key Native Dung Beetles in South American Grasslands

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Toxicological effect of ivermectin on the survival, reproduction, and feeding activity of four species of dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) in Japan

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Implications of Endectocide Residues on the Survival of Aphodiine Dung Beetles: A Meta-Analysis

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Fitness consequences of the combined effects of veterinary and agricultural pesticides on a non-target insect

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Effects of herd management and the use of ivermectin on dung arthropod communities in grasslands

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Environmentally-realistic concentrations of anthelmintic drugs affect survival and motility in the cosmopolitan earthworm Lumbricus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758)

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Effects of eprinomectin on the survival, reproduction and feeding activity of the dung beetles, Onthophagus lenzii Harold, and rare species, Copris ochus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

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Eprinomectin from a sustained release formulation adversely affected dung breeding insects

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Trans-generational and within-generational effects of two macrocyclic lactones on tunneller and dweller dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): a case study

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Quantifying immediate and delayed effects of anthelmintic exposure on ecosystem functioning supported by a common dung beetle species

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Low doses of ivermectin cause sensory and locomotor disorders in dung beetles

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A field test of the effect of spiked ivermectin concentrations on the biodiversity of coprophagous dung insects in Switzerland

Ralf Jochmann, Erhard Lipkow and Wolf U. Blanckenhorn
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35 (8) 1947 (2015)

Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Ivermectin onOnthophagus landolti(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

L. C. Pérez-Cogollo, R. I. Rodríguez-Vivas, H. Delfín-González, E. Reyes-Novelo and M. M. Ojeda-Chi
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Dung beetle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae) diversity and seasonality in response to use of macrocyclic lactones at cattle ranches in the mexican neotropics

Gertrudis S. Basto‐Estrella, Roger I. Rodríguez‐Vivas, Hugo Delfín‐González, et al.
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Effects of the veterinary antiparasitic drug eprinomectin on dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), the non-pest fly Neomyia cornicina and pest fly Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) in Japan

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Applied Entomology and Zoology 49 (4) 591 (2014)

How to test nontarget effects of veterinary pharmaceutical residues in livestock dung in the field

Ralf Jochmann, Wolf U Blanckenhorn, Luc Bussière, Charles E Eirkson, John Jensen, Ute Kryger, Joost Lahr, Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Jörg Römbke, Keith G Wardhaugh and Kevin D Floate
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 7 (2) 287 (2011)

The Impact of Overgrazing on Dung Beetle Diversity in the Italian Maritime Alps

Matteo Negro, Antonio Rolando and Claudia Palestrini
Environmental Entomology 40 (5) 1081 (2011)

Analytical procedure for the determination of eprinomectin in soil and cattle faeces

V.D. Litskas, G.C. Batzias, X.N. Karamanlis and A.P. Kamarianos
Journal of Chromatography B 878 (19) 1537 (2010)

Field effects of faecal residues from ivermectin slow-release boluses on the attractiveness of cattle dung to dung beetles

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Lethal and sub‐lethal effects of ivermectin on north temperate dung beetles, Aphodius ater and Aphodius rufipes (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)

Insect Conservation and Diversity 3 (1) 24 (2010)

Pharmacokinetic Profile of Ivermectin in Cattle Dung Excretion, and its Associated Environmental Hazard

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Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal 18 (5) 564 (2009)

Relative efficiency of extensive grazing vs. wild ungulates management for dung beetle conservation in a heterogeneous landscape from Southern Europe (Scarabaeinae, Aphodiinae, Geotrupinae)

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A successful, sustainable and low cost control-programme for bovine hypodermosis in France

Chantal Boulard, Michel Alvinerie, Gerard Argenté, et al.
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Effects of moxidectin on coprophagous insects in cattle dung pats in Japan

Mitsuhiro Iwasa, Natsuki Suzuki and Mikiko Maruyama
Applied Entomology and Zoology 43 (2) 271 (2008)

New screening test to predict the potential impact of ivermectin-contaminated cattle dung on dung beetles

Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Michel Alvinerie, Hella Hempel, et al.
Veterinary Research 38 (1) 15 (2007)

Environmental risk assessment of veterinary pharmaceuticals: Development of a standard laboratory test with the dung beetle Aphodius constans

J. Römbke, H. Hempel, A. Scheffczyk, et al.
Chemosphere 70 (1) 57 (2007)

Entwicklung und Einsatz eines standardisierten Labortests für Dungkäfer (Aphodius constans) zur Prüfung der Ökotoxizität von Veterinärpharmaka

Jörg Römbke, Hella Hempel, Adam Scheffczyk, et al.
Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 19 (3) (2007)

A Screening Level Index for Assessing the Impacts of Veterinary Medicines on Dung Flies

Alistair B. A. Boxall, Tom N. Sherratt, Victoria Pudner and Louise J. Pope
Environmental Science & Technology 41 (7) 2630 (2007)

Toxicity of four veterinary parasiticides on larvae of the dung beetle Aphodius constans in the laboratory

Hella Hempel, Adam Scheffczyk, Hans-Joachim Schallnaß, Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Michel Alvinerie and Jörg Römbke
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25 (12) 3155 (2006)

Veterinary pharmacovigilance. Part 3. Adverse effects of veterinary medicinal products in animals and on the environment

Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 28 (2) 171 (2005)

FECAL RESIDUES OF VETERINARY PARASITICIDES: Nontarget Effects in the Pasture Environment

Kevin D. Floate, Keith G. Wardhaugh, Alistair B.A. Boxall and Thomas N. Sherratt
Annual Review of Entomology 50 (1) 153 (2005)

Pour-on formulation of eprinomectin for cattle: Fecal elimination profile and effects on the development of the dung-inhabiting Diptera Neomyia cornicina (L.) (Muscidae)

Jean-Pierre Lumaret, Faiek Errouissi, Pierre Galtier and Michel Alvinerie
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24 (4) 797 (2005)

Effects of ivermectin and doramectin faecal residues on the invertebrate colonization of cattle dung

V. H. Suarez, A. L. Lifschitz, J. M. Sallovitz and C. E. Lanusse
Journal of Applied Entomology 127 (8) 481 (2003)

Reductions of non-pest insects in dung of cattle treated with endectocides: a comparison of four products

K.D. Floate, D.D. Colwell and A.S. Fox
Bulletin of Entomological Research 92 (6) 471 (2002)