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MALDI MSI Reveals the Spatial Distribution of Protein Markers in Tracheobronchial Lymph Nodes and Lung of Pigs after Respiratory Infection
Tomas Do, Roman Guran, Rea Jarosova, Petra Ondrackova, Zbysek Sladek, Martin Faldyna, Vojtech Adam and Ondrej Zitka Molecules 25(23) 5723 (2020)
The Composition of Circulating Leukocytes Varies With Age and Melanoma Onset in the MeLiM Pig Biomedical Model
Characterization of antigen-presenting cells from the porcine respiratory system
Guadalupe López-Robles, Erika Silva-Campa, Alexel Burgara-Estrella and Jesús Hernández Research in Veterinary Science 100 80 (2015)
Organic barn dust extract exposure impairs porcine macrophage function in vitro: Implications for respiratory health
Susan M. Knetter, Christopher K. Tuggle, Michael J. Wannemuehler and Amanda E. Ramer-Tait Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 157(1-2) 20 (2014)
Phenotypic characterisation of the monocyte subpopulations in healthy adult pigs and Salmonella-infected piglets by seven-colour flow cytometry
Petra Ondrackova, Jan Matiasovic, Jiri Volf, Javier Dominguez and Martin Faldyna Research in Veterinary Science 94(2) 240 (2013)
Adenosine modulates LPS-induced cytokine production in porcine monocytes
Distribution of porcine monocytes in different lymphoid tissues and the lungs during experimental Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection and the role of chemokines