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Predicted breeding values for relative scrapie susceptibility for genotyped and ungenotyped sheep

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PRNP genetic variability and molecular typing of natural goat scrapie isolates in a high number of infected flocks

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Detection of Four Novel Polymorphisms in PrP gene of Pakistani sheep (Damani and Hashtnagri) and goats (Kamori and Local Hairy) breeds

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Single nucleotide polymorphisms at 15 codons of the prion protein gene from a scrapie-affected herd of Suffolk sheep in Brazil

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Co-existence of classical scrapie and Nor98 in a sheep from an Italian outbreak

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Association of N176K and L141F dimorphisms of the PRNP gene with lack of pathological prion protein deposition in placentas of naturally and experimentally scrapie-affected ARQ/ARQ sheep

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