Open Access

Table II.

Scenario tree node values for the different Surveillance System Components (SCC) used for HPAI H5N1 surveillance in wild waterbirds on Lake Constance. Branch probabilities are either a single point value or a distribution; @RISK distributions are shown when appropriate, otherwise the expected value is shown. Where applicable, branch probabilities are shown for the different wild waterbird groups: diving ducks, grebes and mergansers as one group (D/G/M), Swans and Other. The relevant scenario trees are shown in Figures 13.

Tree Node name Branch name Branch probability
All SSC: May–August Bird group Swans 0.0177 (number of birds 208)
D/G/M 0.189 (number of birds 2 943)
Other 0.797 (number of birds 12 633, 16% dabbling ducks and 58% Gulls (Laridae))
All SSC: September–April Bird group Swans 0.0143 (number of birds 1 912)
D/G/M 0.541 (number of birds 72 620)
Other 0.444 (number of birds 59 525, 30% dabbling ducks, 56% Eurasian Coots (Fulica atra))
All trees Unit infection status Infected 0.01
All trees Bird dies Dies Swan ~ Uniform (0.8, 0.99); D/G/M ~ Uniform (0.2, 0.8); Other ~ Uniform (0.2, 0.6)
Bycatch, Swan Catch, Hunt & Trap Test positive Yes BetaPert (0.7, 0.8, 0.9) – for live birds
Found dead Test positive Yes Uniform (0.9, 0.99) – for dead birds
September–April trees
Bycatch Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 0; D/G/M = 1.89E−5; Other = 2.31E−5
Trap Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 3.27 E−4; D/G/M = 6.20 E−5; Other = 4.82 E−5
Swan Catch Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 0.197; D/G/M = 0; Other = 0
Found dead Bird sampled Sampled Expected values: Swan = 0.0123; D/G/M = 1.46 E−4; Other = 5.23 E−4
Hunt Bird sampled Sampled Expected values: Swan = 9.81 E−4; D/G/M = 5.16 E−5; Other = 5.24 E−5
Sentinel Mallards Yes 0.154 (number of Mallard ducks 9 206)
Bird visits sentinel Visits Expected values: Swan = 0.003; D/G/M = 0: Non_Mallard = 5.0E−4; Mallard = 0.0348
Infects sentinel Expert 1 or Expert 2 Yes Swan ~ Betapert (0.2, 0.5, 0.8) or Betapert (0.2, 0.7, 1); D/G/M ~ Betapert (0.1, 0.2, 0.5) or BetaPert (0.2, 0.4, 1); Other_Non_Mallard ~ Betapert (0.1, 0.2, 0.5) or Betapert (0.2, 0.6, 1); Other_Mallard ~ Betapert (0.2, 0.5, 1) or Betapert (0.2, 0.9, 1)
Flock test positive Yes Expected value: 0.999
May–August trees
Bycatch Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 0; D/G/M = 0; Other = 1.98 E−5
Trap Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 2.68 E−3; D/G/M = 8.49 E−4; Other = 1.35 E−3
Swan Catch Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 6.08 E−3; D/G/M = 0; Other = 6.29 E−6
Found dead Bird sampled Sampled Expected value: Swan = 0.0714; D/G/M = 3.80 E−3; Other = 5.45 E−3
Hunt Bird sampled Sampled Swan = 0; D/G/M = 0; Other = 0
Mallard Yes 0.150 (number of Mallard ducks 1 898)
Sentinel Bird visits sentinel Visits Expected value: Swan = 0; D/G/M = 0; NonMallard = 1.4 E−3; Mallard = 0.12
Infects sentinel Yes As for sentinel September–April
Flock test positive Yes As for sentinel September–April