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Table III.

Descriptive statistics and distributions that best fit the stages of serotype O foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) infection in an individual data meta-analysis exercise. Data were fit using equal width intervals for continuous and discrete data (Poisson) distributions. Bolded letters indicates a p > 0.05 value, which indicates the theoretical distribution fit the data well.

FMD stage Animal species No. Mean, median (25th, 75th percentile) Distribution (parameters) Poisson (λ)
Latent Cattle 136 3.6, 3 (2, 5) Weibull (α = 1.782, β = 3.974) 3.59
Pig 72 3.1, 2 (2, 4) Gamma (α = 1.617, β = 1.914) 3.07
Small ruminant 58 4.8, 5 (3, 6) Pert (m = 3.963, a = 0, b = 13.983) 4.79
Subclinical Cattle 119 2.0, 2 (1, 3) Gamma (α = 1.222, β = 1.672) 2.04
Pig 45 2.3, 2 (1, 3) Inverse Gaussian (μ = 2.3, λ = 3.045) 2.27
Small ruminant 62 2.2, 2 (1, 3) Gamma (α = 2.4, β = 0.898) 2.16
Incubation Cattle 59 5.9, 5 (5, 6) Log logistic (γ = 0, β = 5.3, α = 4.02) 5.9
Pig 46 5.6, 4 (3, 9) Pearson 5 (α = 3.05, β = 11.72) 5.58
Small ruminant 128 6.6, 6 (4, 8) Weibull (α = 2.784, β = 7.426) 6.59
Infectious Cattle 71 4.4, 4 (3, 6) Gamma (α = 3.969, β = 1.107) 4.39
Pig 53 5.7, 5 (5, 6) Log logistic (γ = 0, β = 5.39, α = 5.474) 5.69
Small ruminant 59 3.3, 3 (2, 4) Pearson 5 (α = 6.188, β = 17.192) 3.32