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Figure 1.


Babesia spp. life cycle. Merogonies in the vertebrate host are asynchronous and various divisional stages can be seen at the same time in the bloodstream: anaplasmoid forms (appearing just after penetrating the erythrocytes), rounded or ovoid forms (trophozoites), dividing forms, and merozoites, resulting from the binary fission, which are typically piriform and joined by their pointed extremities. Gamogony (gamete differentiation and zygote formation) occurs in tick intestinal cells. Ookinete and kinetes formed by asexual division of ookinete (sporogonies) occur in various tick organs. Final differentiation of sporozoites occurs in salivary glands. Graphic representation of kinetes and ray-bodies are line drawings reproduced from Sabine Wattendorff “dissertation zur Erlangang des Grades eines Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae”, Hanover, 1980.

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